Bible Student Sites

The following are links to various sites owned by Bible Students (including individual personal ministries as well as congregations and/or other publishing entities) who,  as far as we can tell, believe that Jesus provided a ransom sacrifice for all who died in Adam, and that all will either be brought to a knowledge of the truth in this age, or in the age to come. We have also included some other links that are noted as not being sites owned by Bible Students, but which provide some information that may be of interest to Bible Students. If you have a site that you would like to be listed here, please contact us in the comments form below. It is difficult to find time to keep the links up to date, so please let us know if you have found any links that need to be added, or that have changed, as well as any that are no longer active.

Convention/Conference Listings
Listings from the Dawn Bible Students Association
Milwaukee Bible Students

Sermons/Discourses Online (Mostly MP3)

Audio Sermons -- A large selection of audios from past conventions and meetings.

Links To Sites

Except for a few exceptions as noted, the owners of the following sites, as far we know, believe in the “ransom for all” as generally understood by Bible Students worldwide. There are various interpretations presented on the details, however, to which we believe Christians should seek to practice love toward our brothers in these matters, rather than to withdraw fellowship from each other. Please note that while we endeavor to keep this up to date, at times sites may no longer exist. -- Ronald R. Day, Sr.
Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio – “Endtimes” newsletter online – many Bible topics discussed online – free subscription to newsletter.
Bangalore Bible Students (Youtube)

Beauties of the Truth A monthly journal published as a forum of scriptural viewpoints thought to be in harmony with God’s Plan of the Ages.
Bible Research - Mostly audio materials: hymns, sermons, Bible, audio books, etc.
Bible Standard US/France/Germany/Poland/UK – Bible Standard Magazine – English/French/German/Polish * Bible Standard Cyclopedia
Bible Fellowship Union – Publishes the journal, “Bible Study Monthly”. Current and past issues are online.
Bible Students Archives
Bible Students Channel (Youtube)
Bible Student Chronology - Appears to be works by various authors who support the chronology that Russell presented.
Bible Students Online Associated Bible Students, Bridgewater, NJ

Bible Students Resources (Youtube)
Bible Today Oakland County Bible Students — Free Newsletter. Studies in the Scriptures Online. Photo Drama of Creation Online. Correspondence Course. Special Section on Revelation. Lots of information and links
Bible Truth Keys Hartford Bible Students - Dutch
Christian Believers Fellowship -- Somersworth, NH
Christian Questions – Online archive of radio broadcasts. -- Youtube
Dawn Bible Students Association – publishes “The Dawn” magazine – magazine is also online; also includes the following: French – l’Aurore // Dutch – Der Tagesanbruch // Spanish – El Alba // Youtube

Dawn Bible Students Association Bengaluru (Youtube)

Epifania (Bible Standard - Polish)
Faithbuilders Fellowship - This site contains issues of the magazine edited by David Rice.
Faithbuilder's Fellowship Library - Writings of Gilbert Rice.
Fort Worth Bible Students publish the Divine Plan magazine – archive online; Studies in the Scriptures online; online videos, audios
Frederick Lardent's Works in - Frederick Lardent was associated with the Bible Students while Charles Taze Russell was living. In the 1920s, he remained with the Bible Students as he rejected the new organization that Rutherford created that came to be called "Jehovah's Witnesses."

God's Plan for Today -- Miami Bible Students

He Leadeth Me – Offers Holy Plan of the Generations in Hebrew, and many free booklets. Online Home Bible Study Course using the Divine Plan of the Ages.

Jay Ensley’s Religion Page — Bible studies on various topics
Movemento Missionario Epifania (Bible Standard - Brazil)

North Seattle Bible Students – This site has the “Studies in the Scriptures” online

Pastoral Bible Institute – Publishes “The Herald of Christ’s Kingdom” — magazine is also online. The Bible Students Library 2 Free Download of scores of books for the popular On-Line Bible

Phoenix Bible Students - Audio Recordings, mostly from conventions.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many more web sites being sponsored by Bible Students world-wide. For more lists, click on the following links:

Bible Students Forums/Mailing Lists

.Sites may cease to exist without any notification to us and there may be many other sites related to the Bible Students movement that are not listed above. If you find a link that is no longer working, or if you know of a Bible Students site not listed above, please notify us in the comments below.

Other Sites that have lists of Bible Students sites:

Bible Students Archives

Bible Students Daily

If you come across any link that is not working, please let us know in the comments below. Also, if you know of a link that you believe should be added to the above, let us know in the comments below. Any other comments may be rejected.

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Jude 1:7 - Example of Eternal Fire