

It is our hope to eventually present links to all of our studies and research that is on our websites on this page. Links are added as we have time to update each posting, and thus this is a work that may take several years, God willing, to actually provide links to all the many studies and research on our sites. This page is being updated almost every day.



When God Blesses All Nations
Did CTR teach that Negro Americans do not have souls?
Watchtower Symbols Similar to Freemasons
John 1:1 Regarding "Was" and Eternity
Russell and the Alleged Occult Connection

Was Charles Taze Russell a Mason?
Russell, Pyramids, 1914 and Christ's Return

-----------------------End of Recently Added/Updated

"Most High" Scriptures 01-29 - Psalm 111:10 - The Beginning of Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:8 - Lord of Glory
1 Corinthians 9:24 - Run That You May Win
1 Corinthians 3:10,11 – The Right Foundation of Faith
1 Corinthians 6:19,20 - Glorify God in Your Body
1 Corinthians 7:24 - Staying As Called
1 Corinthians 8:6 - One God, One Lord; Deuteronomy 6:4
1 Corinthians 9:16 - Preaching the Gospel a Necessity
1 Corinthians 10:4 - That Rock Was Christ
1 Corinthians 10:9 - Does This Offer Proof of the Trinity?
1 Corinthians 12:3 - Jesus is Lord
1 Corinthians 12:4-6 - Various Kinds of Gifts, But One Spirit
1 Corinthians 13:1 - Tongue of Angels
1 Corinthians 14 and Speaking in Foreign Languages
1 Corinthians 15:21,22 - Already Fulfilled?
1 Corinthians 15:53 - That Which Puts on Incorruption
1 John 1:1-3 - That Which Was From the Beginning
1 John 2:20,27 – No Need For Anyone To Teach
1 John 2:22-24 – Denial that Jesus is the Christ
1 John 2:22 - Did John Speak of Denying that Jesus is God?
1 John 3:16 - Did God Almighty Lay Down His Life For Us?
1 John 4:2; 2 John 1:7 -- "Is Come" or "Coming"
1 John 4:2; 2 John 1:7 -- Coming in the Flesh
1 John 4:18 - No Fear in Love
1 John 5:7 - Three That Bear Record
1 John 5:7 - One God Who is Three?
1 John 5:17 - Sin That Does Not Lead to Death
1 John 5:20 - This is the True God
1 Kings 18:21 - Baal Vs. Jehovah
1 Peter 1:16 - You Shall Be Holy
1 Peter 3:18, Romans 8:8,9 and Jesus' Sacrifice for Sin
1 Peter 3:18 - Raised in the Spirit - What Does It Mean?
1 Peter 3:18 - Jesus Died a Human Being - Raised a Spirit Being
1 Peter 3:18 - Jesus No Longer Human
1 Samuel 28:13 - Saul and the Elohim
1 Thessalonians 5:17 -- Pray Without Ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:23 – The Spirit, Soul and Body of the Church
1 Timothy 2:4 - God Desires All Men to Be Saved
1 Timothy 2:5 - The Man Jesus -- Still a Man?
1914 - Failed Watchtower Prophecy?
1x1x1 and the Trinity Doctrine --2--
2 Corinthians 3 – The Law, The Veil, And The New Covenant
2 Corinthians 4:5-5:11 - Outward and Inner Man
2 Corinthians 5:8 - At Home With the Lord
2 Corinthians 5:19 - Reconciliation By Means of Christ
2 Corinthians 5:19 - God in Christ
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 – The Third Heaven and Paradise
2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah’s Ascension Into the Sky
2 Peter 1:1 - Did Peter Say Jesus is God Almighty?
2 Peter 1:1 – Our God And Our Savior
2 Peter 2:4 - Tartaroo Vs. Tartarus
2 Peter 3:9 – God Desires All to Attain to Repentance
2 Samuel 24:1; 1 Chronicles 21:1 - Jehovah or Satan Moved David?
2 Timothy 2:5 - By the Rules
2 Timothy 3:16 — What Scripture is Inspired?
2 Thessalonians 1:3-10 - Eternal Destruction of the Wicked
2 Thessalonians 1:4-10 – Eternal Destruction – When? 

A Cure for Appendicitis
A General Statement of Beliefs
A Cure for Surface Cancer?
A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens
A Lying Spirit Lies About Charles Taze Russell
Acts 3:13 - Is the "Prince of Life" the Almighty Creator?
Acts 5:3,4 - Ananias Lied to God, Not to Men
Acts 8:37 - Believe That Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Acts 20:28 - The Blood of His Own
Adam and the Ransom Sacrifice
ADONI, ADONAI and the Masoretic Text
A Tree Planted by Rivers of Water -- Psalm 1:1-3
A Truth Presented by Satan
A Truth Presented by Satan - Did Russell Condone Using the Occult?
A Sketch of the Development of Present Truth (CTR)
A Statement from Morton Edgar Regarding Rutherford's "Organization."
Acts 2:36 - Did Peter Claim that Jesus is Jehovah?
Acts 3:14 - Does Jesus' Holiness Mean that He is Jehovah?
Acts 20:28 – Whose Blood?
Acts 21:21-26 – The Early Christians and the Law
Amos 4:11 – When God Overthrew Sodom
Amos 4:11 - Does This Speak of Two Yahwehs?
Angel of Jehovah
Angels and Women
Another "Close Examination" of Russell's Writings
Armageddon Will Be in 1914 or 1915?
Armageddon, the Second Death and Judgments
Astrape in Luke 17:24; Matthew 24:27
At the Grave - 1919 Bible Students Convention Report
Authoritarian Organization 

C. T. Russell and Infallibility (Resource Page)
Camels in Genesis
Can Restitution Change the Ethiopian's Skin?
Can The Ethiopian Change the Color of His Skin?
Catholic Influence on Westcott & Hort Text
C. T. Russell's Ordination
Charles Taze Russell and Man's Secret Societies
Charles Taze Russell and Spiritism
Charles Taze Russell and Sun Symbolism (Resource Page)
Charles Taze Russell and the Alleged "Satanic Bloodlines"
Charles Taze Russell and the Occult (Resource Page)
Charles Taze Russell and the Urantia Book
Charles Taze Russell Was Not a Prophet
Charles Taze Russell, The Jehovah's Witnesses, One World Government & The Last Days
C. T. Russell's Education (Resource Page)
Charles Taze Russell, Watch Tower Illustration and The Masons
Colossians 1:15 - Did Jesus Have a Beginning?
Colossians 1:15 - Image of the Invisible God Alleged to be a God-Man
Colossians 1:15, Revelation 3:14, and Jesus' Beginning
Colossians 2:18,19 -- Angels and Angel Worship
Colossians 2:9 - Tes Theotetos
Colossians 2:9 - The Plenitude of Deity
Common Swear and Curse Words
Copyrighted Material and Public Domain
Credibility of the Bible
Cross and Crown References -- Related to Brother Russell
CTR’s Expectations Concerning 1914 

Daniel 7:9,13,22 – Is Jesus the Ancient of Days?
Daniel 12:1,2 - Everlasting Contempt
Did A Catholic Monk Invent “Jehovah”?
Did a Catholic Monk Provide Consonants to Invent Jehovah?
Did Charles Taze Russell Deny Hell?
Did Jesus Die for Those Condemned to the Second Death?
Did Russell Await the Rapture On the Mount of Olives?
Did Russell Claim Direct Revelation From God?
Did Russell Claim to be God's Sole Mouthpiece?
Did Russell Deny Eternal Punishment?
Did Russell Get No Birthday Beliefs from Muslim Study as a Mason?
Does Jehovah Mean "God is Mischief"?
Did Jesus Fulfill the Talmudic Law?
Did Jesus' Birth Under the Law Mean That He Was a Sinner?
Did Russell Change the End of the Gentile Times to 1915?
Did Russell Claim His Writings to be Superior to the Bible?
Did Russell Claim that the Gentile Times Had Not Ended in 1914?
Did Russell "Dabble" in Heathen Religions?
Did Russell Deny the Deity/Divinity of Jesus?
Did Russell Give Out That He Himself Was “Some Great One”?
Did Russell Separate From and Later Divorce His Wife?
Did Russell Start a New Religion?
Did Russell use an Evil Spirit to Endorse His Studies?
Did the Ransom Cover Adam's Sin, But Not Adam?
Deuteronomy 32:22 – Fire Burns to the Lowest Sheol
Do We Have a Guardian Angel?
Does God Hate Sacrifice? 

I Am a Free and Accepted Mason
If Russell Was Not a Mason, Why Are So Many Saying That He Was?
Is It Right For You to be Angry?
Is God's Holy Name "the Lord:? (Video)
Is Enoch Still Alive?
Is Jehovah a False God?
Is Jesus God and Did Jesus Claim to be God?
Is Jesus the Creator?
Is Neshamah Only Used of Mankind in the Bible?
Is the Reading of "Scripture Studies" Bible Study?
Is Satan Winning?
Is the Great Pyramid a Tomb?
Is the New Covenant Active Now?
Is the Trinity Doctrine Biblical?
Isaiah 8:14; Romans 9:32,33; 1 Peter 2:7,8 – Stone Of Stumbling – Jehovah Or Jesus?
Isaiah 9:6 - The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father
Isaiah 9:6 - The Singular Name
Isaiah 14:12 - The Name “Lucifer”
Isaiah 14:16 - The Man Who Made the Earth Tremble
Isaiah 40:28 - The Creator of the Ends of the Earth
Isaiah 42:8 - Does God Share His Glory as Most High With Jesus?
Isaiah 43:10 - You Are My Witnesses
Isaiah 43:10 – Before Jehovah There Was No God Formed
Isaiah 43:11 - No Savior Besides Jehovah
Isaiah 43:11 - Only Jehovah Saves
Isaiah 44:6 – The King And Redeemer Of Israel
Isaiah 44:24 - Jehovah Stretched Forth the Heavens Alone
Isaiah 48:16,17 - The Lord Jehovah Has Sent Me
Isaiah 51:9; 53:1 – The Arm Of Jehovah 

J. J. Ross: Russell's Education and Alleged Perjury
James 2:15,16 - Giving Advice to Someone Who Is Destitute
Jehovah as One Person
Jehovah Comes to Judge Through His Son
Jehovah's Witness founder Charles Russell , OCCULTIST? (Response)
Jeremiah 23:6 -
The Name of the Branch of David
Jesus Received Worship
Job 33:4 - The Spirit of God Made Me
John 1:1 - Did John Say That Jesus is the God of Abraham?
John 1:3 - The World Made Through the Logos
John 1:3,10- Panta (πάντα) and Kosmos (κόσμος)
John 1:1-18 - A Summary
John 2:19-22; 10:17,18 - Did Jesus Raise Himself from the Dead?
John 3:16,17 - God Gave His Son
John 3:16,17 - Was Jesus Preaching Trinity? 0
John 3:13 -- Evidence of Jesus' Omnipresence?
John 4:24 - God is a Spirit
John 2:18,19 - Jesus Raised His Body
John 5:18 - The Jewish Leaders' "Cause" to Kill Jesus
John 5:18 - Were the Jews Right?
John 5:23 – Honor The Son As The Father
John 6:28,29 -- Believe in Him Whom God Has Sent
John 6:63 - Did Jesus Say That God's Spirit is a Person of God?
John 8:58 and Other "I am" Statements of Jesus
John 10:11,14 - The One Shepherd
John 10:28 - Jesus Gives Eternal Life
John 10:30 – The Son is One With His Father
John 10:38; 14:10,11 - The Father in His Son
John 11:25,26 - Will Never Die
John 12:41 - Isaiah Saw His Glory
John 12:44,45 -Whoever Believes in Me
John 14:9 -- Hath Seen the Father
John 14:19 - The World Will See Me No More
John 16:13 - Gender of the Holy Spirit
John 16:30 - Did the Disciples Think Jesus was Omniscient?
John 17:5 - Jesus' Glory Before the World Existed
Jonah 4:4 - Is It Right For You to Be Angry?
Jonas Wendell’s 1870 Presentation
Joshua 24:15 - We Will Serve Jehovah
Jude 1:14,15 - Jude and the Book of Enoch
JW Claims and Russell's Expectations Regarding 1914 

Mark 2:7 – Only God Can Forgive Sins?
Mark 14:61-64 -- The Alleged Blasphemy of Jesus
Martin: Are JWs Followers of Russell's Interpretations?
Martini and Yohoua
Matthew 1:23: Immanuel - Does This Mean that Jesus is God?
Matthew 1:23 - Immanuel Means
Matthew 16:24 - Denying Self and Bearing One's Cross
Matthew 4:7; Luke 4:12 - Did Jesus Claim that He is the Covenant God of Satan?
Matthew 5:17,18 - The Fulfilling of the Law
Matthew 5:17,18 - The Law is Not Destroyed
Matthew 5:33-37 - Cursing and Swearing
Matthew 6:5,6 - Did Jesus Forbid Group Prayer?
Matthew 6:16 - Do Not Fast as Hypocrites
Matthew 6:25 - Don't Be Anxious
Matthew 6:34 - Don't Be Anxious
Matthew 8:10-12; Luke 13:28-30 – Israel’s Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth
Matthew 10:28 - The Soul Destroyed in Gehenna
Matthew 12:31,32 - The Unforgivable Sin
Matthew 12:40 - Three Days and Three Nights
Matthew 16:16 - Did Peter Declare Jesus to be God?
Matthew 19:16-22 – Does the Law Covenant Give Eternal Life?
Matthew 22:32 - Not a God of the Dead
Matthew 24:34 - The Generation That Passes Away
Matthew 24:34 -- This Generation
Matthew 24:33-39 - The Passing Away of the Law Covenant
Matthew 24:36; 25:13; Mark 13:32 -- No One Knows the Day or Hour
Matthew 27:51-54 - Bodies of Saints Raised
Matthew 27:51-54 -- The Tombs That Were Opened
Matthew 28:18 - Jesus and All Power
Matthew 28:19 & the Baptismal Name
Matthew 28:19 -- The Usage of the Singular
Matthew 28:20 - Jesus' Ability to Be Present in Many Places?
Micah 5:2 - From Everlasting or From Days of Old?
Micah 5:2 and the Jesus' Past Existence
Miracle Wheat - Fraud? - Video 
Mythology and the Bible 

Regarding Micah 5:2 with Psalm 90:2 and Habakkuk 1:12
Response to "JW Freemasonry Proven" Video
Response to "What About the Jehovah's Witnesses"?
Resurrection Bodies
Revelation 1:4 - Who Is, Was, To Come - Jesus?
Revelation 1:8 - Is Jesus or Jehovah Being Quoted?
Revelation 1:8 – The God of Jesus Speaks
Revelation 1:10 - The Lord's Day and the First Day of the Week
Revelation 1:17,18; 2:8 - The First and the Last
Revelation 2:6,15 - The Teaching of the Nicolaitans
Revelation 3:5 - He Who Overcomes
Revelation 3:14 - Is Jesus the Beginning, Ruler or Beginner of Creation?
Revelation 7 - The 144,000 and the Twelve Tribes
Revelation 7:9-17 - The Great Multitud
Revelation 7:14,15 - The Great Multitude in the Temple
Revelation 12:1 - Who is the Woman?
Revelation 17:14 - Lord of Lords and King of Kings; Revelation 19:16
Revelation 19:1 - A Great Multitude in Heaven
Revelation 22:13 – I am Alpha and Omega
Romans 6:23 - The Wages of Sin - Spiritual Death?
Romans 7:1-4 -- Only a Jew Becomes Dead to the Law
Romans 7:1-4 -- Who Becomes Dead to the Law?
Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11 - Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ
Romans 10:13 – Whoever Will Call On The Name Of Jehovah
Romans 12:3 - Thinking Reasonably of Self
Romans 12:11 - Fervent in Service
Russell, Blacks and Discrimination
Russell, the Rothschilds and Israel
Russell and 1914 Resource Page
Russell and a Dog's Head
Russell and J. J. Ross (Resource Page)
Russell and Jonas Wendell
Russell and Peters' "The Theocratic Kingdom"
Russell and the Millennial Bean
Russell and the One True Catholic Church
Russell and the Pleiades
Russell and the Seventh-Day Adventists
Russell and the Year 1925
Russell Answers Questions Regarding Spiritism
Russell, Authority and Organization (Resource Page)
Russell, Blacks and Discrimination
Russell Founder of WTS - Not the JWs
Russell on God, His Holy Spirit and His Son (Links)
Russell Questioned His Faith
Russell Quotes Concerning the Bible
Russell on "He Who Was, Is, and Is to Come"
Russell Regarding J. J. Ross
Russell Says The Jews Are Superior Morally and Intellectually?
Russell Was Not the Founder of a False Religion
Russell's Alleged Denunciation of "Organized Religion"
Russell's Alleged Pyramid Scheme
Russell's Changes to the Scripture Studies
Russell's Cross and Crown Symbolism -- Masonic? Rosicrucian?
Russell's Death on Halloween and Alleged Toga Scene
Russell's Disappointment Over 1878
Russell's Pyramid Tomb?
Russell's Refutation of "The Negro a Beast"
Russell and 1874 Resource Page
Russell and 1915 Resource Page
Russell and the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible
Russell and the True Gospel (Resource Page)
Russell, Armageddon, and the Time of Trouble (Resource Page)
Russell, Hell and the NWT 

Thankfulness Video
The All-Seeing Eye
The Beginning of the Time of Trouble
The Biblical Hebrew and Deity
The Color Line Found Necessary
The Day of Judgment
The Father is the Only True God
The First Watch Tower President
The Holy Name
The Holy Name in the Original Hebrew/Greek (of the Bible)
The Miracle Wheat Story
The Parousia, the Seventh Trump and the Harvest
The Price of Redemption - God or Man?
The Restoration of All Things
The Seed of David
The Skull and Bones Society and C. T. Russell
The Tetragrammaton Not Jehovah?
The Time Frame of Matthew 25:31-46
The One Holy Name
The Passing Away of the Law - A Brief Summary
The Meaning of Biblical Names
The Sinless Man, Jesus
The True Gospel
The Vatican's Proclamation (Regarding the Holy Name)
The World Magazine and the Alleged 28 Year Old Prophecy
The Worship Due to Jesus
Titus 2:13 - The Great God
Trinitarian False Definition of Christ
True God Versus False God=False Dichotomy
Trust in God Vs. Trust in Men
Trying to Explain the Trinity Leads to Insanity
Two Pillars 

Posts Written By Others

We do not necessarily agree with all statements given by these authors.

The links below are to studies, videos, etc., that are presented on our sites, but which are the work of others. While we may be in general agreement, there may be some points that we disagree.


The "We" vs. "They" Mentality
The Temple of God - Sermony By Charles Taze Russell
Opposition by Preachers and Russell's Reply
At the Grave
The Photo Drama of Creation
Russell's Letter to Hirsch and Rothschild =======================
A Finger Then A Hand
About Jerusalem
An Open Letter to a Seventh-Day Adventist (Benjamin Barton)
But One Church of the Living God (Russell)
Do You Believe in the Bible?
Faith in the Control of the Tongue
Failure to Recognize God's Organization a Fruitful Cause of Division Among Christians
Friendly Hints on Bible Study
Bible Vs. Tradition
God Loves Diversity (Video)
History of the early Watchtower (links)
How Does the Holy Spirit Work? (Christian Questions)
If We Only Understood (Poem)
Luke 23:43 - Today
Marriage: Real Life Can Never Compete With Fantasy
Matthew 7:20 - Vespers (Brian Montague)
Photo Drama of Creation
Sabbath Questions (Old Theology Quarterly)
Salvation is For All By the Grace of God, by C. T. Russell
Stayed Upon Jehovah, Hearts Are Truly Blessed (Poem)
The Atonement -- Herald of the Morning, 9/1878
The Great Pyramid: Ancient Wonder, Modern Mystery (Video) < a href="">The Master's Touch
The Heart of a Lesson
The Twelve Apostles - Their Calling, Office and Authority
This is the Day
What Does God Want From You? (Christian Questions)
What is Truth? (Video)
Your Garden of Life

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Russell and "Organized Religion"

By Ronald R. Day, Sr. Walter Martin and Norman Klann make the claim that, as a result of Charles Taze Russell's alleged rejection of th...