Sunday, January 21, 2024

Response to "JW Freemasonry Proven" Video

We are responding to a video on Youtube given the title, "JW Freemasonry proven in less than 2 minutes." Some gave us a link to this video as proof that Russell was a member of the Freemasons. We are not with the Jehovah' Witnesses, but much in the video is related to Charles Taze Russell, who was never a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Believing Brother Russell to be a fellow servant of the Lord Jesus, we present this review of this video on youtube. This video may be found at:

After watching the video, we found nothing at all presented in the video that offers any actual "proof" that Russell was ever a member of the Freemasons' organization, or that he was in support of such an organization. Anyone truly familiar with Russell's work would know that he spent nearly his entire life presenting a message contrary to such an organization. What this video does is create a false mental link between various Biblical illustrations and similar illustrations used by the Masons, mostly that of the Knights Templar. This is designed to leave the false mental assumption that this is proof that Russell was a member of the Freemasons.

Cross and Crown

Matthew 16:24 - Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any man desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. -- World English.

At the very outstart the Master assures us that unless we take up our cross and follow him we cannot be his disciples. If we take this step honestly and sincerely we see plenty of difficulty in connection therewith, without knowing particulars of the troubles to come. Indeed, if we knew of our future trials we should be unjustly overwhelmed thereby, since at first we could but imperfectly appreciate the meaning of our Lord's words, "My grace is sufficient for thee; my strength is made perfect in your weakness," and the assurance that he will not suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able, but will with every temptation provide a way of escape. (2 Cor. 12:9; I Cor. 10:13) Hence, as the Lord's people take one step after another they find these promises quite true; they find themselves sustained, they find they have no more than they can bear, and that although their trials are indeed severer than at the beginning of the way, yet these can be overcome, because of growth in grace and knowledge. -- Watch Tower, May 1, 1908, pages 135,136 (R4164).

1 Corinthians 9:25 - Every man who strives in the games exercises self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. -- World English.

The Apostle intimates that we, as soldiers of the cross, should be willing to endure much greater hardness and self-denial and buffeting for the sake of the cause we represent than would those who strive for the earthly crowns and prizes. And if they practice self-denial and disciplines late and early, in season and out of season, when convenient and when inconvenient, whether of food and drink if preparing for some physical contest, or of comforts and conveniences and pleasures if for political or business contests, much more should we not be slothful in our business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, fighting the good fight of faith, laying hold on eternal life as a sure thing, not an uncertainty. The Apostle applies this thought too, saying, "I keep my body under [its ambitions, appetites, desires], and bring it into subjection [to the new mind]: lest by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway [rejected from being a member of the little flock]." – 1 Cor. 9:25-28. -- Watch Tower, Novemeber 15, 1903, page 421.

It should be apparent that Russel's usage of the cross and crown symbolism was simply for Biblical purposes. The Biblical cross and crown symbol that was on Russell's Watch Tower is simply that -- a Biblical illustration of taking up one's cross in order to obtain the crown. The Knights Templar, who profess to be Christian, do make use of similar cross and crown symbolism, although not exactly the same as that which Russell used. Nevertheless, similar cross and crown symbolism has been used for centuries by the various churches. The Knights Templar claim that they created their symbolism based on traditional church usage.

To use the Biblical cross and crown symbolism to link Russell with the Freemasons, one has to imagine and assume as being fact that any kind of cross and crown symbolism is exclusive to the Knights Templar, and then further imagine and assume that anyone who uses similar Biblical symbolism is using such symbolism because the user is a member of, or in some way associated with the Knights Templar.

I could not find any place that Russell ever used any "HOC SIGNO VINCES" emblem as presented in the video, nor was the cross and crown symbolism Russell used the same as that which is in the insignia, nor is the symbol Russell made use of the same as that presented in the picture taken from the Masonic temple in Philadelphia.

Likewise, the Biblical "armor of God" illustration that appeared on Russell's Watch Tower is simply that: a Biblcal illustration. There is no reason at all to think that this Biblical symbolism is from the Masons.

The video shows a picture of the pyramid monument that Rutherford authorized, several years after Russell died, to be built in the Rosemont Cemetery. It shows this monument with the Masonic Center in the background. Evidently this is done with the desire to deceitfully leave a mental impression that is some way this monument is to be associated with that Center, which is across the street from the Rosemont Cemetery. Of course, the reality is that Rutherford's replica of the God's Witness in Egypt has nothing at all do with the Masons, or with the Masonic Center, which center did not even exist when the replica of God's Witness was constructed in the Rosemont Cemetery. The Masons purchased the land adjacent to the cemetery in the 1990s and the construction of the Masonic Center was completed in the mid-1990s. This was several decades after Russell had died, and after Rutherford had the pyramid monument constructed in the cemetery. Despite what one may wish like to imagine and assume, there is no link at all between Rutherford's pyramid monument and that of the Masons. See our resource page related to Russell and the Great Pyramid

The video then presents a copy of the "The Finished Mystery" book, which, by the way, was not written by Russell, with the "sun of righteousness" symbol on it. It then leaves the impression that this symbol is the same as that of Egyptian sun-god symbols, and evidently this is supposed to be proof that Russell was a member of the Freemason. There are similarities in the Biblical sun of righteousness symbol and the sun-god symbol used by the Egyptians, although the Egyptian usage actually perverted the symbolism for idolatrous practices (Isaiah 19:14), in the Bible it is Jehovah Himself who uses such symbolism of the promised Messiah. (Malachi 4:2) Fritz Springmeier seemed to think that Malachi wrote what he did under the influence of heathenism. If so, that would mean that Jehovah never said what Malachi recorded and thus that Malachi was a false prophet (Deuteronomy 18:20,22), and since the New Testament supports Malachi as a prophet, it would mean that the entire New Testament is false.

See our research page: Russell and Sun Symbolism

The video presents an overhead picture of one of the convention centers constructed by the Jehovah's Witnesses, which, when viewed from a high angle, resembles the pyramid with its eye as found on the US dollar. It is imagined and assumed that such is of the Masons, and that the JWs purposely constructed this center to copy what is evidently being promoted as a Masonic symbol. We are not with the JWs, and we don't defend their organization, but to us, it simply appears that they constructed the center in the shape of the lot which they had purchased, and that the stage by coincidence appears to be similar to an eye when viewed from high above. At any rate, it still has to be imagined and assumed that this constructed because the JWs are Masons, or run by the Masons, etc.

We are then shown a cover of Fritz Springmeier's highly deceptive book, The Watchtower and the Masons. Springmeier is very skillful at twisting everything to make it appear to agree with his conspiracy theories. Springmeier makes the claim that Russell was a member of the Knights Templar. The reality is that if Russell was a member of the Knights Templar, then he had to accept and openly confirm the traditional trinity doctrine of man's creeds. Since the very basis of the atonement in the Bible that Russell spent nearly is entire life preaching and defending, is not in agreement with those creeds, if Russell was a member of the Knights Templar, this would mean, in effect, that Russell spent nearly his entire life sabotaging what he is alleged to have been supporting by such sabotage. See our resource page related to Russell and Fritz Springmeier.

We are then shown a picture of Tony Morris wearing a ring. We are not with the JWs, so we had to look up who Tony Morris is. Evidently, he is a member of the JW "Governing Body." Although we certainly cannot make out what is on the ring, it is evidently being promoted as being a Masonic ring. There are pictures presented on the left side of the screen that leave the impression that this is the kind of ring being worn by Tony Morris. Whether Morris was actually wearing a Masonic ring or not, we cannot say. We can say that we have found no evidence that Russell ever used such a God symbolism as appears on the rings to left, which symbol is used by the Masons. As far as the JWs are, we do believe it is possible that there may be Masons among them, although we highly doubt there may be many. It could be that Morris may be a member of the Masons, but we highly doubt it.

Evidently, the viewer is being led to believe that the Great Pyramid and its passages are of the Masons. This, of course, is totally silly. The Great Pyramid in Egypt existed long before man's Freemasonry organization was created, despite the claims of some otherwise. We believe the evidence is overwhelming that this pyramid is indeed God's Witness in Egypt as spoken of in the Bible. Russell's study of God's Witness in Egypt has nothing to do with the Mason, although it is possible that some individual Masons may have endeavored a similar study. See our resource page: The Great Pyramid.

The video evidently tries to make the Biblical Hebrew tetragrammaton of God's Holy Name in some vague manner to be associated with the Freemasons. While some Freemasons appear to highly esteem the Holy Name, most of the Freemasons evidently do not; they appear to use the traditional "Lord", "the Lord", and "God" as found in most translations. At any rate, God's Holy Name in the Bible is not of the Freemasons, regardless of how or in what way any of the Freemasons may use, misuse, or misrepresent that name.

Again, we are presented with a picture of the square and compass "G" symbol with a picture of Russell to the left and a picture of a cover of Russell's Watch Tower to right. Evidently, this is done with the purpose of associating that symbol with Russell and his Watch Tower, although, to we have found no place where Russell never used that symbol.

Russell, however, was never a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. He preached against such an organization, against such authoritarianism as found in that organization, and against the message preached by that organization.

Comments (transferred from old site)

Apostate Jerky ExJWOctober 30, 2020 at 6:43 PM

You did a very nice job trying to debunk my video. However you got many things wrong and assumed that freemasons keep some records of other masons. It is a secret society. However, Russell has admitted to being a freemason hismelf.
And yes, Rutherford was the one who began the JW org, but him and Russell began that doctrine together even though they disagreed. Also, you only covered half of the video. I was hoping you could have tried to debunk the rest. Much love. ;)

  1. Ronald DayDecember 19, 2020 at 10:37 AM

    Apostate Jerky ExJW stated: "You did a very nice job trying to debunk my video. However you got many things wrong and assumed that freemasons keep some records of other masons."

    I have assumed nothing regarding whether the freemasons keep records of their members. I don't have any reason to think that they do not keep records of the members, but whether they do or do not has nothing at all to do with what I presented regarding the video.

    Apostate Jerky ExJW stated: "It is a secret society."

    Its being a secret society does not mean that they do not keep records of their members.

    Apostate Jerky ExJW stated: "However, Russell has admitted to being a freemason hismelf."

    The link provided shows that Russell was never a member of man's Freemason Society. Russell did claim to be a Freemason for Christ, using the expression figuratively of being a part of the secret church that is enrolled in heaven. He never, ever admitted to belonging to any of man's secret societies. Indeed, in his "Temple of God" sermon, speaking of man's Freemason Society, Russell plainly stated: "I have never been a Mason." Russell evidently did mistakenly believe that all the Freemasons professed to be Christian, and thus spoke of them similarly to way he spoke of Christian denominations, etc.

  2. Ronald DayDecember 19, 2020 at 10:39 AM

    Apostate Jerky ExJW stated: "And yes, Rutherford was the one who began the JW org, but him and Russell began that doctrine together even though they disagreed."

    I am not sure what is meant by "that doctrine." It appears to be saying that Rutherford and Russell cam up together with the "Jehovah's visible organization" dogma. If so, this is false. Russell consistently preached against such a "visible organization" clothed with authority. He would not allow his Watch Tower to be used for such purposes. Just before Russell died, Russell had the following printed in The Watch Tower, August 15, 1916, page 248:

    Let it be borne in mind that the Society exercises no authority, makes no criticism, but merely gives advice; and that in the interest of the Lord's Cause and the Lord's people.

    For many quotes from Brother Russell concerning organization and authority, see the links I have provided at:

    However, a few weeks after Russell died, the WTS as Russell left it was virtually destroyed by Rutherford. Rutherford insidiously began to claim more and more authority leading up to his "Jehovah's visible organization" dogma. Rutherford actually created the JW organization by rejecting the core Biblical teachings of Russell and the Bible Students regarding the atonement and Christian Freedom, as well as many other Biblical teachings.

    CLICK HERE for links to more information.

  3. Ronald DayDecember 19, 2020 at 10:39 AM

    Apostate Jerky ExJW stated: "Also, you only covered half of the video. I was hoping you could have tried to debunk the rest. Much love. ;)"

    I covered everything I could see pertaining to Russell and a little pertaining to the JWs. The video presents a lot of symbols that the Masons use that Russell did not use. I certainly have no reason to analyze all that symbolism used by the Masons.

    Russell did liken the 33rd degree Mason (Knight Templar) with that of those who attain the prize that Paul spoke of in Philippians 3:14, the highest honor given to those of the church that is enrolled in heaven.

    Nevertheless, to be a member of the 33rd degree Masons (Knights Templar) of man's Masonic organization, one does have to profess to be Christian, and also accept the trinitarian creeds professed to be Christian. Russell, however, spent nearly his whole life preaching against those creeds.

    Since Russell was never a member of the JWs, and I am not a member of the JWs, I did not cover all realated to the JWs.

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