Athanasius, who promoted the false doctrine of the trinity, stated: "The sacred and inspired Scriptures are sufficient to declare truth." And yet at the same time, he proceeded to present a tremendous amount of human imagination, assumptions, opinions, etc., which he added to, and read into, the holy scriptures so as to make it appear that the Bible upheld his teachings. Sadly, trinitarians today do the same, evidently without realizing how much they have to imagine and assume beyond what is written and which they have to add to and read into the scriptures to make the scriptures appear to support the trinitarian dogma.
But we are not at this time concerned with discussing the trinity, but rather with the many false claims being made about Brother Russell, especially as related to the Bible.
Usually, the claims are associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses; indeed, it is often claimed that Russell was the founder of the "cult" known as Jehovah's Witnesses, and many of the organizational teachings of the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses are often attributed to Russell, when, in reality, he never taught such things. In some major teachings, Russell actually taught the opposite (or nearly so) of what the JWs teach. Russell was not the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, nor was he the founder of any sect. Recognizing the term "cult" as generic in itself as applying to any form of worship, we can say that he only believed in the true cult that was founded by Jesus and the apostles. The work he did was in service to the only true church founded by Jesus and the apostles, whose members are enrolled in heaven, not by being members of various religious organizations created by man here on earth. In doing this, however, he did find that, since many of the doctrines that were later added by the apostate church leaders were not in the Bible, that the teachings of Jesus and the apostles were not in harmony with those doctrines. Some, believing that Bible does teach the doctrines of men, claim Russell was teaching contrary to the Bible since he did not teach such doctrines of men such as the trinity, the inherent immortality of the human soul, eternal conscious torment of all who do not accept Christ, etc. Such have looked a some quotes of Russell taken out of context, and claimed something we are sure Brother Russell never intended, that is, that he placed his own writings as being above the Bible.
At the same, one needs to distinguish between opinion and what the Bible actually states. Much Russell presented was opinion, although his opinions were based on the Bible. Russell did not consider his opinions and conclusions to be doctrine that should be forced on fellow believers. If anyone's opinions are thought to be some kind of standard for accepting fellow believers, such becomes sectarianism.
Nevertheless, we present below some quotes from Russell pertaining to how he viewed the Bible, some of which also show how he viewed the Bible in relation to his own writings. We should note that many things that appeared in the Watch Tower may have not been actually written by Russell, but, being the editor, Russell was responsible for what was printed. There could be many more quotes added, and we may add more as God permits.
It is a great mistake to affirm that the Bible is the product of the Church; and those who make this claim do not know where to look for the Church. The Scriptures declare that Jesus Christ was the head and forerunner of the Church; and if he was the forerunner it is plain that none of the members of the Church preceded him, and, therefore, that the Old Testament Scriptures -- which Paul says "were written aforetime (before Christ's advent) for our instruction that we through patience and the consolation of the Scriptures might possess the hope" (of the gospel -- Rom. 15:4) -- were not the product of the Church. And if, as we have shown, the writings of the Apostles were divinely inspired, then the New Testament Scriptures are not the product of the Church. But consecrated human agencies were used in both cases as God's honored instruments. The word of the Lord through the Apostles is not the product of the Church, but of divine revelation. And never since those inspired apostles fell asleep has the church been able to add one iota to the heavenly wisdom revealed through them; and to whatever extent she has wandered from their teachings, she has manifested her folly by vain philosophies which expose her ignorance and egotism. -- The Watch Tower, October 1, 1893, page 292.
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"The Child Samuel", Watch Tower, October 15, 1895 |
As stated, the above would mean that if anything Russell himself presented should be found to not be fully in harmony with the Bible, that the Bible itself is the final arbiter, not his writings and statements.
In The Watch Tower, December, 1902, page 377, we find the following statement:
The BIBLE is our text book, the DAWNS and TOWERS are our comments, explanations, etc., and our mail department enables us to point out and emphasize misunderstood parts of the instruction.
Here Brother Russell refers to the Bible as being the "text book". Evidently, he was using this term to mean the book that forms the basis for study of who God is and what is plans are for mankind. In other words, the Bible is foundation for truth, whereas the DAWNs (later called Studies in the Scriptures) and the Watch Tower simply provide comments and explanations. It may be that in practice, many of the Bible Students had begun to, in fact, look upon the Watch Tower publications as being "the authority", but that is not the way Brother Russell expressed it.
Never forget that the Bible is our Standard and that however God-given our helps may be they are "helps" and not substitutes for the Bible. -- "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Report", Watch Tower, December 15, 1909.
This certainly shows that in 1909, Russell was not teaching that his own writings in any way should be thought to replace the Bible. He still believed that the Bible is standard for truth.
We will next examine some statements made by Brother Russell as found in his sermon, DIVINE OMNISCIENCE AND ALMIGHTY POWER, St. Paul Enterprise, December 11, 1917, as reprinted in Harvest Gleanings, Volume 3 (begins on page 140).
What Christendom needs today is a return to the Bible, an investigation of its teachings and, correspondingly, a rejection of all human creeds, which are admittedly more or less defective. Let us "stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free." Let us accept the Bible as the only standard. Let us study it and understand it to the extent of our ability. Let us rejoice in every degree of harmony we all attain in the correct understanding o f it. Let us fellowship as Christians all who acknowledge its Divine authenticity and who, in harmony with its presentation, are trusting in Jesus as their redeemer; and who, in acceptance of His invitation, have forsaken all to be His footstep followers.
These are the real Christians, with whatever sect or party they may have become identified, through the supposition that they were doing the will of God. These alone are the saints; these alone are running in the race course; these alone have the opportunity of making their "calling and election sure."
We could not find the actual date that this sermon was delivered, but it was probably sometime in 1916, or perhaps 1915. One should note that he was still declaring the Bible "as the only standard". He also notes that we should have fellowship with all Christians who believe it the Bible's divine authenticity and thus put their trust in Jesus as their savior, not matter sect or party they may be affiliated with. This is certainly a lot different from what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Indeed, having fellowship with any of the others who do not accept the teachings of their leadership is highly discouraged, to say the least.
Now that we are ready and fully equipped for Bible study, we are handicapped, trammeled by wrong doctrines which have become lodged and fastened in memory. Some of these came from the creeds, some of them from hymn books, some of them from preaching and some from tracts. As a result, we are filled with misunderstandings and inconsistencies which cause the Bible to appear to be self-contradictory. So much is this the case that it is counted a fashionable thing in our day for intelligent people to laugh at the Bible and to deny its Divine inspiration. But the Bible is consistent with itself, and is thoroughly opposed to the doctrines of the creeds. These facts, however, need to be thoroughly learned before we can have full confidence in the Bible and fully appreciate it. These blessings are the portion of the Lord's people more and more, especially during the last thirty-five years. -- The Watch Tower, December 1, 1913 , page 366.
In a word, the work of our Society is conducted on the belief that the Bible is Divinely inspired, and that we are now living in the wonderful Day, mentioned by the Prophets, when "the wise shall understand," when they shall receive "meat in due season" from God's wonderful Book. By the "wise" we mean, of course, those who are wise toward God, not the worldly-wise. -- The Watch Tower, October 15, 1916, page 308.
We as Bible students are coming more and more to appreciate the fact that the Divine Plan presented in the Bible is wonderful in its simplicity and its comprehensiveness. More and more we are coming to see that our error in the past has been that we studied not the Bible, but the creeds -- and correspondingly had darkness instead of light. -- The Watch Tower, August 15, 1914, page 264.
You cannot well say too much for the book, as one that will show in interesting style that the Bible is a self-interpreter and its teachings grandly harmonious, when viewed in the light of sanctified reason and common sense. You can surely say, too, that the book is not dry musty reading, but truly "meat in due season" to the truth-hungry; and (in the language of a sister) that the light, which this precious volume reflects, has made the Bible a new book, a treasure, a mine of wealth to many as well as to yourself. -- The Watch Tower, May 1887, page 1.
Chapters two and three [of the The Divine Plan of the Ages] I must tell you about; they are so helpful, especially if you have young friends inclined to be skeptical. The one gives evidences, aside from the Bible, that there is an all-wise Creator; the other thoroughly answers "higher criticism" and infidelity by the internal proofs that the Bible is inspired. These chapters alone are worth many times the cost of the entire set of books. As one reader has well said, "These helping hands to Bible study are worth more dollars than they cost in cents." -- The Watch Tower, August 15, 1904, page 246
Neither must you lean upon the DAWN (later called Studies in the Scriptures) and the TOWER as infallible teachers. If it was proper for the early Christians to prove what they received from the apostles, who were and who claimed to be inspired, how much more important it is that you fully satisfy yourself that these teachings keep closely within their outline instructions and those of our Lord;-- since their author claims no inspiration, but merely the guidance of the Lord, as one used of him in feeding his flock. -- The Watch Tower, June 1, 1893, page 168.
Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible, or on a par with the holy Scriptures. The most we claim or have ever claimed for our teachings is, that they are what we believe to be harmonious interpretations of the divine Word, in harmony with the spirit of the truth. And we still urge, as in the past, that each reader study the subjects we present in the light of the Scriptures, proving all things by the Scriptures, accepting what they see to be thus approved, and rejecting all else. It is to this end, to enable the student to trace the subject in the divinely inspired Record, that we so freely intersperse both quotations and citations of the Scriptures upon which to build. -- Watch Tower, December 15, 1896, page 305
We preach not ourself but Christ. We substantiate nothing except by his Word. We make no laws, formulate no creed, deprive no sheep of his full liberty in Christ; but merely on every question quote the Word of the Lord, through the apostles and prophets. We boast nothing, claim nothing of ourself. We are content to serve the Lord and his flock to the best of our ability--exacting no tithes, no "honor of men," no confession of authority, no compensation; hoping merely for the love of the Lord and of those who are his children and have his Spirit.
So far from forming or desiring to form a new sect, we ignore all sectarian systems and their claimed authority; we recognize only the "one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism" of the Scriptures and fellowship as a "brother" every person of decent morals who confesses faith in the "redemption through the blood of Christ," and especially all of this class who profess a full consecration to the Lord's will and service,-- whatever sect they may be in, or outside of all. -- The Watch Tower, January 15, 1904, page 20.More directly regarding his Studies in the Scriptures, Russell wrote:
The six volumes of SCRIPTURE STUDIES are not intended to supplant the Bible. There are various methods to be pursued in the study of the Bible and these aids to Bible study are in such form that they, of themselves, contain the important elements of the Bible as well as the comments or elucidations of those Bible statements.... It is for each one to think for himself, however, and to guide his conduct in every way accordingly....
If these books are to be of any value to us it must be because we see in them loyalty to the Word of God, and as far as our judgment goes, see them to be in full harmony with the Word and not antagonistic to it. Therefore, in reading them the first time, and perhaps the second time, and before we would accept anything as being our own personal faith and conviction, we should say, “I will not take it because these studies say so; I wish to see what the Bible says.” And so we would study the Scriptures in the light of these SCRIPTURE STUDIES; we would prove every point, or disprove it, as the case might be. We would be satisfied with nothing less than a thorough investigation of the Bible from this standpoint....
If, at the same time, in any future reading, we should come to a place where something did not seem clear to us and we thought of some Scripture which seemed not as harmonious with it as we had previously thought, we would think it our duty to refer at once to the Scriptures, because the Scriptures are the standard, and in that reference to the Scripture it would be with a view to discerning whether or not we had been mistaken in our previous examinations....
This is not, therefore, putting the SCRIPTURE STUDIES as a substitute for the Bible, because so far as substituting for the Bible, the STUDIES, on the contrary, continually refer to the Bible; and if one has any doubt as to a reference or if one’s recollection should lapse in any degree, one should refresh his memory, and, in fact, should see that his every thought is in harmony with the Bible –not merely in accord with the SCRIPTURE STUDIES, but in accord with the Bible. -- The Watch Tower, September 15, 1910, pages 298, 299.
Some have claimed that, in the September 15 issue of The Watch Tower of 1910, Russell had departed from his former claims and that he claimed that his Studies were superior to the Bible. Actually, such as to be added to and read into what is stated in this issue of the Watch Tower. Everything Russell presented in the Watch Tower of 1910 is in full harmony with his earlier statements regarding the Bible and his writings.
See also: Did Russell Claim His Writings to be Superior to the Bible?**
Updated: 2/20/2009; 3/13/2014; 10/12/2018; 12/31/2020; 7/12/2024.
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