Russell's Grave

Russell's Original Grave Stone
This page presents links to research related Russell's grave. Since many often claim that Russell's grave was in the shape of a pyramid, we have also included some links that are related to the pyramid monument that was constructed in the Rosemont Cemetery.

Saiba TUDO sobre a “PirĂ¢mide de Russell" - Video In Portuguese with English captions -- you may have to turn on the English captions.

The True History of Watchtower's Pyramid Monument (Video)

WT Pyramid Update (Video)

1919 Bible Students Convention Report - This report makes it appear that Russell authorized the building of the pyramid replica. However, there is no written record from Russell's own works that he authorized such a monument to built. Otherwise, it does show the building of that monument, and Russell's original gravestone close by.

A Short History of United Cemeteries - The history shows that it is definitely not a Masonic cemetery.

United Cemeteries Revisited

William Morris Wright and Charles Piazzi Smyth

The Russells and the Allegheny Cemetery (with a nod to Rosemont)

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