Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Russell's Cross and Crown Symbolism -- Masonic? Rosicrucian?

By Ronald R. Day, Sr.

One has claimed that "Russell had so much symbolism added to the watchtower that coincided with the freemasons and rosicrucians."  One site, totally ignoring the true meaning behind the cross and crown symbolism that Russell used, claims that "The cross and crown is actually referred to as the Knights Templar, in honour of the Knights that are said to have devoted their lives to guarding the Holy Grail. This is a symbol that has been synonymous with secret societies, such as the Illuminati and is also used by Freemasons and Christian Scientists." 

Fritz Springmeier appears to be the main source of this idea. In his book, The Watchtower and the Masons, Fritz Springmeier presents a picture of Brother Russell's "People's Pulpit" periodical, showing that it displays a cross and crown. 

Of this, he makes the following assertion: "This People's Pulpit was just one of many items published by Russell with the Knights Templar logo." (Page 82) There was, of course, a Biblical cross and crown on the front of the Peoples Pulpit journal. Springmeier, however, simply imagines, assumes and asserts as being fact that the symbol that Russell used had to be a Knights Templar logo. Yes, the idea that the illustration Russell used IS a Knights Templar logo has to be imagined and assumed. Springmeier then presents some more pictures, the last of which is a Christmas greeting card, of which he asserts: "A Christmas card by C.T. Russell using the Knights Templar logo." Again, he imagines and assumes that because a Biblical cross and crown symbol used by Russell is similar to that used by the Knights Templar, that the cross and crown illustration that Russell used IS the Knights Templar logo. In reality, there is nothing anywhere that indicates that Russell used the cross and crown symbolism to mean anything other than taking up one's cross to follow Jesus in order to receive the crown as a joint heir with Christ -- all Biblical.

So far no one has shown anywhere that Russell utilized symbolism that "coincided with the freemasons and rosicrucians." All that has been presented is what someone is evidently in some vague manner imagining and implying that Russell was in some unexplained way using the symbolism of the Freemasons or the Rosicrucians. What is generally offered as proof is a display of forms of graphics that are used by the Knights Templar and Rosicrucians, and then explanations of what this is supposed to mean to Masons and/or Rosicrucians are given, evidently with the thought that such proves that similar graphics used by Russell means that Russell was in support of whatever is being claimed. In reality, anyone who is familiar with the works of Russell knows that he did not use any graphics to mean what is presented on such sites or books, etc. All that is really proven is that these organizations use graphics that are similar to what Russell used, but it does not connect Russell's usage of such artwork to the symbolism attributed to those organizations. Does the symbolism of the Rosicrucians or the Knights Templar (which do include a form of a cross and crown) coincide with the symbolism that Russell employed in the symbolism of a cross and crown? Absolutely NOT! Indeed, one has to call upon the spirit of human imagination, and by use of imagination, make assumptions, and then claim those assumptions to be fact, etc. It would assume to be fact that anyone who makes use of similar imagery must be either a Mason or Rosicruician. Indeed, these organizations also use the Bible, but does this make the Bible a Masonic book, or a Rosicrucian book? Does it mean that everyone who uses the Bible must in aligned with those organizations?

 Many falsely imagine and assume that Russell was buried under a pyramid. Many refer to the pyramid monument that used to be in the Rosemont cemetery as Russell's pyramid. Many would further imagines and, based on that imagination, assume as fact that there is a masonic symbol on the pyramid that Rutherford had constructed, when in reality, there is no Masonic symbol at all on Rutherford's pyramid monument. Of course, it is false that Russell was buried under a pyramid. Additionally, there is nothing in any of Russell's known works that mentions building a pyramid monument in the Rosemont Cemetery. The actual authorization for the construction of that monument came from Joseph Rutherford.

For: Links to research related to Russell's gravestone

In the sermon -- The Temple of God -- that is quoted out of context and distorted in application, Russell plainly stated: "I have never been a Mason."

Nevertheless, so far it has not been shown that Russell ever once employed the exact same illustrations given in the pictures taken from Masonic works, and certainly not the symbolism that is being attributed to that artwork.

We have tried to find out what these forms that include a cross and crown mean to the Freemasons. According to words that appear on the site from which the Rosicrucian picture below (cuttingedge.org) is obtained, the Freemasons' cross and crown...
is a philosophical cross, according to Albert Pike, 'Morals and Dogma', p. 771. It is philosophical in the sense that it represents the generating fecundating principle by the perpendicular shaft [Phallus], and the matrix of womb of nature, the female producing principle [Female Vulva], by the horizontal shaft. The philosophy of the Masonic cross is totally phallic. The 'Crown' of this Masonic emblem is also phallic, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth ..." [C.F. McQuaig, "The Masonic Report", Norcross, Georgia, Answer Books and Tapes, 1976, p. 34]
Russell never once employed such symbolism. From what we understand from the Masons themselves, however, is that Albert Pike, nor any other author, speaks for all the Masons. Nevertheless, from what we have read, it seems that one of the goals of the Masons is to make this present evil age a better place to live in. While such a goal may noble, the end result usually means that such an endeavor, in effect, leads to joining hands with Saana to make his kingdom a better rule of mankind. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9) Many of the Masons we have communicated with do connect the cross with Jesus, and possibly to his death, but even this falls short of the symbolism that Russell employed. Regardless, Russell certainly never used any "masonic symbols" or "masonic symbolism."

Below is the link to the  picture some have given as being Rosicrucian:

After searching the internet, we could not find any confirmation that the Rosicrucians actually used the form of cross and crown as shown in the picture (other than the site linked to). Regardless, the form used in the picture is not the same as that used by Russell.

We could confirm that the Rosicrucians do use a form of the cross and crown, but we were not able to verify the exact form given in the post. According to the site linked to above, we find some explanation of the Rosicrucians and the cross and crown:
While they read the Bible and quoted from it, and prayed to Jesus, they actively practiced Witchcraft rituals! Rosicrucianism is probably the most important example of mixing "Christ and Baal". While they revere the cross, they insert it into a worldly crown. They felt that Jesus could not return to earth until and unless the Christian Church conquered the earth first -- a most onerous and unbiblical doctrine.
Thus it would appear, at least from what is stated on that site, that the Rosicrucians may have a similar view of the cross and crown symbolism as given above for the Freemasons (assuming that the sites cited accurately portray the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians). It has been stated that the cross in their symbolism means "salvation, to which the Society of the Rose-Cross devoted itself by teaching mankind the love of God and the beauty of brotherhood, with all that they implied." [Baxter, James. Sir Francis Bacon and The Rosy Cross] Others saw the Rosy Cross as a symbol of the human process of reproduction elevated to the spiritual: "The fundamental symbols of the Rosicrucians were the rose and the cross; the rose female and the cross male, both universal phallic [...] As generation is the key to material existence, it is natural that the Rosicrucians should adopt as its characteristic symbols those exemplifying the reproductive processes. As regeneration is the key to spiritual existence, they therefore founded their symbolism upon the rose and the cross, which typify the redemption of man through the union of his lower temporal nature with his higher eternal nature." [Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages: Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians, 1928, p.141]

Regardless, Russell never employed such symbolism related to the cross and crown illustrations that he used, nor do we know any place where he employed the same exact artwork as used either by the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, or the Rosicrucians. We are certain he never employed the same symbolism as that being credited to the Freemasons or the Rosicrucians. Russell explained the symbolism of the cross, crown and wreath symbolism:
The cross represents our faith in the death of Christ and our desire to walk in His steps; the crown represents the reward of glory, honor and immortality; and the wreath around the cross and crown represents the Restitution blessings coming to the world of mankind. Harvest Gleanings, Volume 3,, page 721.
Russell did, however, sometimes make use of some of the terminology used by Freemasons, as, for example, in that of the "building" of the temple of God as described in the Bible; nevertheless, he did not apply this with the Freemasons' own symbolism, but he applied it to the Bible, and he also applied the concept of a "secret society" to that Biblical mystery (secret) of the church and the secret things that only the people of God can understand. Russell also, in harmony with Colossians 3:4 and Romans 8:19, made use of the Masons' expectation, showing that what they (as well as the whole world) are expecting is the true Messiah of the Bible. Russell's method was similar to Paul's use of the heathen idol of the unknown God as a basis to explain the true God, who was unknown to them, or the races that he applied to the Christian race. (Acts 17:23; 1 Corinthians 9:24) Paul was not condoning the unknown god idol, nor was he condoning all that is associated with Roman/Greek races; neither was Russell ever condoning either the Freemasons' or the Rosicrucians' organizations. He classified all such "secret societies" together, and advised Christians to have nothing do to with them.

The symbolism of the cross and crown that Russell used is taken from the Bible itself.

Concerning its symbolism, Charles F. Redeker writes:
Bible Student meaning for the Cross and Crown is taken from the Scriptures where both symbols are given a prominent place. The cross, besides being the instrument used in the death of Christ, is also a metaphor of the trials and persecutions of the believer. (See Matt. 16:24.) The crown is frequently used as a symbol of the glory, honor and immortality granted to Christ and his church for faithfulness in serving God. (See Rev. 3:21; 2:10.) The Bible also makes it clear that gaining the crown is dependent upon bearing the cross faith fully even unto death. (See James 1:12.) The poem, “No Cross, No Crown,” emphasizing this point, appeared in the July 1, 1911 issue of the Watch Tower. This again is not a concept unique to Bible Students and may be found in church hymnology dating back to at least the eighteenth century.28 And finally, the wreath encircling the Cross and Crown symbol is taken as a sign of victory. Its use in crowning the winners in the Greek games is directly alluded to in 1 Corinthians 9:25.
Actually, the usage of forms of the cross and crown by the Catholic church and other denominational churches goes back for centuries, although the symbolism attached to the cross and the crown may not have been entirely the same symbolism as given by Russell or any of the Bible Students. Regardless, such usage of a cross and crown artwork is not using a "Masonic symbol" or certainly not Masonic symbolism.

In this regard, the Masons also use the Bible; does this mean that the Bible is a Masonic book? (Indeed, there are some that claim that the Bible, as we have it, is a Masonic book because they claim the Bible contains Masonic symbols.)

Nevertheless, the sun is God's creation; yet it is claimed that Masons worship the sun. Does this mean that the sun itself is Masonic?

Where did Russell get this cross and crown emblem from? Many Bible Students believe that Russell based his original idea from the writings of William Penn. Brother Richard Doctor wrote an article on William Penn that appeared in The Beauties of the Truth of February 2000. In that article, he notes:
Through the writings of William Penn, the emblem of the `Cross and Crown' would emerge to be disseminated throughout North America and Europe.
The main writing upon which the above statement is supported is Penn's "No Cross, No Crown". There is no indication whatsoever that William Penn obtained any symbolism of the cross and crown from the Masons, but rather that he only used the Bible itself.

Richard Doctor further wrote:
The seven months in prison were spent writing No Cross -- No Crown, `A discourse showing the nature and discipline of the holy Cross of Christ, and that denial of self, and daily bearing of Christ's Cross, is alone the way to rest and the Kingdom of God:' Even after three hundred years, and 53 editions, it is a moving call to a life of consecrated living. The wide distribution of this work includes editions in French, German, and Dutch. No Gross -- No Crown helped to fix the image of the Cross and Crown in the hearts and minds of a broad spectrum of the Lord's people. Its language is simple and sincere. Its extensive scriptural references show a thorough knowledge of scripture.
Although we have found unsubstantiated claims that William Penn was a freemason, the actual proof of his writings indicates otherwise. Albert Gallatin Mackey, Robert Ingham Clegg wrote in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Volume 3, page 1323, that William Penn "was not a Mason, but his family was Masonic." More precisely, Penn's son became a Freemason, which evidently is why many assume that William Penn himself was a Freemason.

At any rate, the use of cross and crown illustrations predates William Penn among traditional church usage, although the symbolism attached to it may have meant different things. There is no indication, however, that traditional church usage of cross and crown symbols is, of itself, from the Masons or designed to promote the Freemasons' organization. Any such thought simply has to be imagined, which many have done, and then based on what is imagined, many have simply assumed that Russell and some others used a "Masonic symbol".  In order to make the cross and crown symbols, of themselves, to be Masonic, to be consistent in such logic, one would have to believe that all the major denominations of Christendom are Masonic (and we have conversed with some who imagine this also to be so.).

Another point also to consider -- it is being claimed that the cross and crown symbol is Masonic; and it is also being claimed that the cross and crown symbol is Rosicrucian. To be consistent in the kind of logic as being applied to Russell's usage of a cross and crown symbol, this logic should lead one to think that all Masons must be Rosicrucians, and all Rosicrucians must be Masons.

Elsewhere we have presented a few quotes from Russell that demonstrate what Russell believed and taught about such secret organizations such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians. Anyone familiar with Russell's works would know that it is ludicrous to think that Russell would spend most of his life speaking and preaching a message totally opposite to that he is alleged to have supposedly been in some unknown manner secretly supporting by openly sabotaging what is he is alleged to have been secretly supporting.

See Charles Taze Russell and Man's Secret Societies

Regarding sun worship: Does the Bible promote sun worship by its usage of sun symbolism? The sun is God's creation; should we claim that God's creation is of the devil by means of the worship that any may give to it, or by any symbolism that may be attributed to the sun? (Deuteronomy 10:14; Nehemiah 9:6; Isaiah 44:24) The Bible itself uses sun symbolism (Genesis 37:9; Judges 5:31; Psalm 84:11; 89:36; 148:3; Ecclesiastes 1:3,5,9,14; 2:11,17,18,19,20,22; 3:16; 4:1,3,7,15; 5:13,18; 6:1,5,12; 8:9,15,17; 9:3,6,9,11,13; 10:5; 11:7; 12:2; Isaiah 30:26; 41:25; 49:10; 59:19; Hosea 6:3; Joel 2:10,31; 3:15; Amos 8:9; Nahum 3:17; Malachi 4:2; Matthew 13:43; 17:2; 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 2:29; Acts 2:20; 1 Corinthians 15:41; Revelation 1:16; 6:12; 7:16; 8:12; 9:2; 10:1; 12:1; 16:8; 19:17; 21:23) Are the Bible writers all committing worship of Satan? Russell also utilized sun symbolism associated with the Bible; he certainly was never advocating sun worship or anything of the devil.

All of tens of thousands of pages that have been produced of Russell's works overwhelmingly testify that he spoke the truth when he stated: "I have never been a Mason." Those who claim that Russell was in some way secretly supporting the Masons have used their spirit of human imagination as proof that he was doing so.  Thc claim that Russell was a Mason would have to be accompanied by the realization that such would also mean that Russell spent a lifetime sabotaging what he was alleged to have been secretly supporting by sabotaging what he was secretly supporting, although we would also wonder how much time he would have left to actually practice what is claimed that were his secret practices after all the time he spent sabotaging what he was allegedly secretly practicing. Maybe a few seconds here and there out of each month or year?

One claims that we are being woefully misled by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Our response:

I have been studying Russell's works since about 1962. Anyone truly familiar with Russell's works would know beyond any shadow of a doubt that Russell was not a member of the Masons, nor did he have any special ties to the Masons.

I (the administrator of this blog) am not associated with the JWs' Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. I do agree that the JW leadership has many times misrepresented Brother Russell and what he believed.

The person continued: "and while they can conceal hidden facts, they can never erase the true origin of their Masonic ties, because many, many former members, including those of Masonic families, have exposed the truth and have called out the Watchtower for it's blatant manipulations and deception in regards to this matter."

As far as Brother Russell is concerned, I would say that all of the claims about some kind of alleged "Masonic ties" are built upon assumption on top of assumption, and the assumptions are assumed to be "facts" and thus presented as being facts. Facts are presented and distorted and Russell is being misrepresented. I have examined many, many arguments that claim that Brother Russell was a Mason, or that he had "Masonic ties," etc, and as yet I have seen nothing at all that gives me any reason to think that Russell, when speaking of man's Masonic Society, lied when he said, "I have never been a Mason."

It further claimed: "It is no secret that Masonry hides symbolism and cryptic messages in plain sight."

I am not sure how to respond to this. At any rate, it has nothing to do with Brother Russell since Russell was definitely not in agreement with the Masons, and definitely not in agreement with the conspiracy theories often attributed to being the goals of the Masons. Many like to imagine this and that, and make imaginary links between this and that and then assume what they have imagined is fact.

The commenter continued: "That is how they operate and that is true of all whom wear the black onyx and gold rings with the various symbolisms of the Square & Compass, the eye of Providence and the , and many others of similar fashion"

I have never seen either Brother Russell or any of the Bible Students wearing "the black onyx and gold rings with various symbolisms of the Square & Compass. Brother Russell did make use of an image of Jehovah's all-seeing eye in harmony with the Bible, although I don't know that he ever wore any rings with such an image on it. I have not seen Brother Russell make use of or wear any double-headed eagle image.

The commenter then state: "And now that the Wathctower Bible and Tract Society has instituted their own website, with videos of the Governing Body members up close and personal, boldy wearing their Masonic rings, in front of all to see, the evidence of their insidious connection to the dark entity of Freemasonry has never been more clear than it is now, at this very moment in the history of our world."

I have seen several present several pictures and videos of various ones of the Jehovah's Witnesses wearing rings. While I could see some of them wearing some kind of ring, I could not tell what was on the rings. In one video, I could see the one elder messing around with his ring, but I could not say what kind of ring it is; I don't see anyway to actually know that it was a Masonic ring. At any rate, I can say that it is possible that Masons have infiltrated the JW organization. And yet none of this has anything to do with Charles Taze Russell or the Bible Students. Other than this, I would recommend one to take this to the JWs; this site is not owned by or affiliated with the JWs.

The respondent further stated: "That is how brazenly stalwart they are about the messages hidden in plain sight and how easy it is to deceive the massess. It's not conspiritorial nonsense. This is precisely how they operate. Everything about the Watchtower, including the language used in the original Zion's Wathctower, is clearly Masonic."

The original was not "Zion's Watchtower", but rather "Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence." Since some thought the word "Zion" designated the magazine as being Jewish, the name was changed to "The Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Kingdom." Nothing at all on, in, or about that magazine that supports the Masons. The usage of the Biblical word "Zion" is Biblical and definitely is from the Masons. The use of the Bible phrase "Watch Tower" is not from the Masons, but rather from the Bible itself. Definitely nothing at all on Russell's Watch Tower that is "clearly Masonic" except that one create that illusion by assumptions presented as being fact.

Our respondent stated: "The references using 'Grand Master'"

Brother Russell, on very, very few occasions, when speaking of the secrecy of the church that is enrolled in the heavens, used some of the Masonic terminologies as analogies of the Biblical Christian secret society which is not limited to any organization of man here on earth, nor is it limited to any denomination or sect here on earth. Maybe, God willing, if I have time I will later present all the instances where the term "grand master" is used in Russell's works.

Our commenter continues: "and 'Grand Creator'"

"Grand" means "magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style." Nevertheless, in doing a digital search of Russell's works for "Grand Creator," I found zero results. Evidently, Brother Russell never used such a phrase, but even if he had, since Jehovah is certainly grand and Jehovah is certainly the creator, such would certainly reflect that Jehovah is grand and that Jehovah is the creator.

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