Saturday, January 07, 2023

Luke 12:42 -- The Faithful and Wise Steward

Luke 12:42 - And the Lord said, Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall set over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season? . -- American Standard Version.

Many of the believers in the "ransom for all" believe that Brother Russell himself fulfilled the role of being the faithful and wise servant or steward that Jesus spoke of. Brother Russell was certainly used by God in bringing forth many things from the Bible, and much of his writings are explanations of or in defense of the ransom for all. We should certainly appreciate God's use of Brother Russell in his use of all his resources to proclaim the truths related to the ransom.

As a result of his work, some have sought to find Brother Russell in the Bible, and thus have claimed -- among other things -- that he was the faithful and wise servant of Matthew 24:45, the steward of Luke 12:42. Sadly, some have been so zealous for this belief that they would disfellowship a brother for not accepting this as being a fact. Others may not actually disfellowship the brother but have created rules that would forbid such a brother to give public talks or that would forbid such a brother from being elected to an office in the ecclesia, etc. Such attitudes do set up standards of sectarianism, a dividing of sheep over speculative conclusions, and passing judgments upon others based on the speculations which are often accepted as being facts. Indeed, some have built their entire belief system based on such speculations.

The following is the last thing that we could find that Russell said about finding Brother Russell in he Bible:

Some of the dear brethren seem to find as much about Brother Russell in the Bible as they find about the Lord Jesus, and I think that is a great mistake. I do not find it there. Some of them say that I am blinded on that subject, that they all can see better than I can. Perhaps they can, I do not know, but I think, dear friends, that there is a danger in that direction, and I would like to put you all on guard. I think it is the Lord's will that we should recognize every agency God uses, but we are not to recognize any agency of God as being in any competition whatever with the Lord or with his divine arrangement. He is the fountain of blessing, he only is most to be praised. I think that is the right sentiment. I believe you all agree with that. And yet I think there is a danger of some dear friends preaching Brother Russell. Brother Russell would like for you not to do so. He thinks it would not be to the glory of God. Let me repeat, then, dear friends, that in my opinion we have so much of the Gospel of God, so much of his plan to study, so many opportunities of showing forth his praises, that we should employ all our time in that way. My advice, therefore, is that we give very little attention to anything outside of that. The Scriptures do indeed say that we may render honor to him to whom honor is due, and that is applicable to anybody and everybody; as, for instance, we look back and we see Martin Luther, and he did a grand work, and we thank God for him; and we might say the same of John Wesley, and very truthfully; I am glad in God's providence he lived, and that he was a faithful man. And there were others of the Lord's people in the past. Let us be glad and rejoice in every one, and be thankful to God he has used various agencies in helping us, and in helping others, and in bringing forward his great cause; but let us not go into anything that would be at all like man-worship, for I am sure that would be displeasing to the Lord and injurious to ourselves. I remind you again of the Scripture in Revelations where the Church is pictured, which we called attention to, I believe, thirty years ago. John, the revelator, who was seeing these things, fell down to worship the angel who showed them to him, and the angel said, "See thou do it not; worship God; I am thy fellow-servant." And so, dear friends, if our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Lord have used Brother Russell in any measure he is very glad and very thankful to be used. And if the Lord is pleased to use him any more, he will be glad to be used down to the last breath, but he does not want any worship, he does not want any undue adoration, he does not want any praise. He is glad to have the love of all those who are brethren of the Lord and to be considered a fellow-servant with all, striving to bring to pass all the glorious things that God has promised, striving to tell the good tidings of great joy to as many as the Lord, our God, shall call. -- -1910; ("Convention Report Sermons", pg. 125)

This statement is clear enough that in 1910 Russell did not see himself in the Bible. He also voiced his desire that Brother Russell should not preached. He further stated his view that preaching Brother Russell was not pleasing to the Heavenly Father. 

We may return later to add more to this.

See also:
Russell on Authority and Organization

Links to Russell's works related to Matthew 24:45-51.
Links to Russell's works related to Luke 12:42-48.
(Please note that not everything presented represents Russell's own views)

Luke 12:42-48 - Parable of the Four Servants -- Our own study related to the parable as it is presented in Luke 12.


JW Covenant Fellowship said...

WE are a group of Jehovah's Witnesses who study the Bible independently. WE higly appreciate brother Russell's views on many subjects. Search for
Thank you so much for your beautiful work! It's so spiritual and blessed by the Lord.
We would like to keep in contact. We quoted some of your articles in our site and directed people to read your blog too.
God bless

Ronald Day said...

Thanks for comments. I looked at the site given in your comments.

Do you believe in the ransom for all, that is that Jesus died for Adam and all of Adam's descendants and thus that Adam and all of Adam's descendants will be made alive, either in this age through faith, or in the last for judgment?

A place to keep in contact would be in Facebook in the following groups:

God and His Son
Charles Taze Russell - Examining the Facts
Ransom For All
Dawn Bible Students and Friends
Bible Students Free Discussion

JW Covenant Fellowship said...

Thank you for your response dear Ronald

We really find "meat in season" on your writings. Yes, we believe in the Ransom for all and that Jesus died for Adam too.

We would really love to keep in contact in Facebook. Our name there is JW Covenant Fellowship.

God bless you again. We are currently writing a commentary on Revelation using the Watchtower reprints and you have been on the greatest help concerning the two hopes (144,000 and the great crowd). We think it's the most balanced vew we have ever ready till now.

Yours in Christ

Ronald Day said...

JW Covenant Fellowship,

Thanks for your response.

One can find links of much of what I have written related to Revelation at:

May Jehovah bless.

JW Covenant Fellowship said...

Dear Brother Ronald

Your thoughts are really a tresure, ''meat in time''

We may send you a list of questions we would like your answers

We would like to hear what you think on the Scriptures concerning the questions

May the Lord Jehovah and His Son richly bless you and your ministry



Jude 1:7 - Example of Eternal Fire