Sunday, January 08, 2023

Genesis 1 - Six Days of Creation

By Ronald R. Day, Sr.

Photo courtesy Devostock public domain

Traditionally, many often refer to the "seven days of creation." The Bible does not do this. It speaks of six days of creation. The seventh day is not included as one of the days of creation, bur rather as the day of God's rest from the six days of creation.  The Bible, in effect, equates the beginning of the heavens (skies) and earth (land) of Genesis 1:1 with the entire six days of creation. -- Exodus 20:11; 31:17.

The Genesis account tells nothing about the creation of the planet Earth itself. It says, "In the beginning ... the Earth was -- without form and void" -- shapeless, empty. There were neither mountains nor valleys, trees nor shrubs, rivers nor oceans, but the Earth was. How long before that it had been created, is not stated. The account of the Days of Creation given in Genesis does not relate to the construction of our globe, but to the ordering of the already existing planet for human habitation. Thus, the scriptures refer to these six days, the beginning, creation, in reference to the creation of the world of mankind (not the sun, moon, stars, etc.), into which world the Logos came. -- Matthew 19:4,8; 24:21; Mark 10:6; 13:19; 16:15; John 1:1,2,10; 17:5; Romans 1:20; 8:19-22; Colossians 1:23; Hebrews 9:11; 2 Peter 3:4.

We are presenting the proof in this study that the "beginning" in Genesis 1:1 is not speaking of the beginning of the planet earth, but rather that is speaking of the beginning of the landmasses and the things upon the earth. Additionally, the heavens of Genesis 1:1 are definitely not speaking of the beginning of the heavens where the angels are always able to see the face of God (Matthew 18:10), nor does it refer to the beginning of the material universe as such.

Isaiah 44:24 relates that Jehovah was probably alone at the creation of the material universe; however, Job 38:4-7 relates that there were "sons of God" present when God laid the foundation of the "earth" as spoken of in Genesis 1:1. If Jehovah was actually alone at the creation of the material universe, we conclude that Isaiah 44:24 is speaking of a time long before the "beginning" spoken of in Genesis 1:1, and before the creation of the spirit sons of God spoken of in Job 38:4,7.

Furthermore, Exodus 20:11; 31:17 relates that God made the heavens (the skies) and the earth (the land) of Genesis 1:1 in six days. This means that all of the six days related in Genesis 1:1 is "the beginning" that is being spoken of in Genesis 1:1.

There are various theories regarding the earth's formation and its preparation, beginning, as the earth upon which man was to live. Most Bible Students believe that planet had "fields", "belts" or "rings" of gaseous and mineral material, enveloping the earth, kept in place by magnetic forces. Today many know of what is usually called the "ozone" field. The "Van Allen" belts may provide a similar example. At any rate, it is believed that gradually the motion of the fields became different from that of the Earth in proportion to the distance from the center of gravity. These fields gradually approaching the Earth would be kept off by centrifugal force, particularly strong at the equator.
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Genesis 1:3 - God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
One should note that while Genesis introduces the "beginning", it is not until verse 3 that the first day of that beginning is being spoken of. Thus, in Genesis 1:2, we find that the planet "earth" already "was" before the beginning of the first day, and that it was covered with water, and thus before the "beginning" of Genesis 1:1. The waters referred to probably consisted of various forms of liquids, and may had not yet been developed into the waters as we know the oceans today. Before the first day began, however, the planet earth was already in existence, and the its watery surface was in total darkness.  We believe, in accordance with Isaiah 44:24, that the material universe was already in existence before the "beginning" that is spoken of in Genesis 1:1. We read in Job 38:4-7 that there were "sons of God" already present when the foundation of the earth was laid, evidently referring to the "beginning" and the "earth" spoken of in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:10, not of the creation of the planet itself that already "was" as spoken of in Genesis 1:2, since Isaiah 44:24 indicates that God was alone at the creation of the material universe. If Jehovah was alone at the laying of the foundations of the material universe, then the foundations spoken of in Job 38:4-7 must refer to the foundations of the heaven and earth of Genesis 1:8 and Genesis 1:10.

In the first day, God began creating the skies spoken of in Genesis 1:1. The "brooding" of Holy Energy developed a light; the source of this light is not stated. It may have been from the sun, or it could have had another source. Whatever, the source, the sun was not seen in the sky at that time, for we read that sun became visible in the fourth creative day. Many Bible Students believe that a canopy around the earth caused the darkness, and as the canopy disintegrated some light from the sun was allowed to shine on the surface, but that the sun itself could not yet been seen. Some have suggested that the "light" could have come from the regions of the surface of the waters, as this time element would have a lot of underwater volcanic activity, which may have provided the source for such light. Regardless, we are informed that on Day One some form of light was provided, and that it was distinguished from the darkness.  One should also note the usage of the word "day"; it is used with two different applications in Genesis 1:3-5. The word "day" as used related to "light" is not of the same length as when day is use of first "day" of creation.

It is our conclusion that the Sun itself, like the planet earth itself, must have already been existence as part of the earlier creation spoken of in Isaiah 44:24. However,  the sun did not appear as a light in the sky until the Fourth Day. We further conclude that in Genesis 1:3-5, no mention is being made of 24-hour "days" actually mentioned until then. If the "light" called "day" in Genesis 1:5 was equal part of a 24 hour day, it would not signify a day of 24 hours, but rather it would be an average of 12 hours. (John 11:9) Regardless, before Day 1 of creation, there must have been something that hindered the sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth that left the surface of the earth in darkness as described in Genesis 1:2.

Some have pointed to Luke's genealogy, which goes back to Adam as the son of God, and have claimed that this proves that the Bible supports the idea that the planet earth has been here for only a few thousand years. Luke only provides a genealogy back to the first man created by God, but not back to the creation of the universe itself, which had already taken place before the six days of the creation of the world of mankind. Likewise, the angelic "sons of God" were already in existence at the time of the creation of the first man (Job 38:4-9), so there was a creation of these invisible beings before that creation which is spoken of in the first two chapters of Genesis.

Some insist the the six days of creation spoken of in Genesis 1 & 2 are 24-hour days, and that thus the Bible says that God created the heavens and earth in six 24-hour days. The Bible says nothing about creating the heavens and earth in six 24-hour days. This thought has to be assumed and added to what is written. There are at least three different applications of the word "day" in the first two chapters of the Bible, each with different time lengths. Each of the six epochs of creation are called a "day", each made up of what is rendered as "evening" and "morning" without any signification as to duration (Genesis 1:5,8,13,19,23,31); the light is called "day" without any signification as to duration (Genesis 1:5); if the light is called "day" in reference to the daylight hours of a 24-hour day, then such a "day" averages about 12 hours. (Genesis 1:14,16; See John 11:9); the first mention of "days" that we can actually identify in the sense of 24-hour days is in Genesis 1:14: "let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for *days* and years"; all six days/epochs of creation are called a "day" (singular). -- Genesis 2:4.

Thus the six periods of time for creation are called "days", followed by the seventh day of rest, providing a pattern for the work week and a day of rest, the seven days of a week that most are now familiar with. -- Exodus 20:9-11.

As to how long the physical universe of stars and planets existed before God began those six days of creation, the Bible does not state.

The generations listed in Luke only go back to the creation of Adam, not to when the physical universe itself was created, which could have been billions of years, according to our time as we now have it.

God created the universe, and the invisible "sons of God", before he created the "heavens" and "earth" that are spoken of in Genesis 1:1.

Some claim that the Hebrew word translated as "heavens" in Genesis 1 does not mean the "sky", since it is plural. Others have claimed that since the King James Version and others have "heaven" (singular) in Genesis 1:8 and that it has "heavens" in Genesis 1:1, then these two verses are not referring to the same thing.

The Hebrew word, *Shamayim*, is always plural all the way through the Bible, although many times translators render it as singular in many instances. The singular form never appears in the Bible. This plural form is used in Genesis 1:26,28,30; 2:19,20; 7:3; 9:2 in describing the region where the birds fly. Of course, the sky *can* include everything seen above from the earth, but the sun, moon and stars did not appear in the "sky" until the fourth day, so the creative process continues over the six days, as can be seen from Exodus 20:11; 31:17.

Thus, we should not think that the sun, moon, and stars were "created" as physical bodies on Day Four, but it was it at that time that the fields above the earth became thin enough so that the sun, moon and stars could be seen in the sky above, as though from man's standpoint upon the earth. The fourth day is actually the first mention of "days" as we know 24-hour days. (Genesis 1:14-19) Additionally, the approximately 12-hour "day" - the average time of sunlight -- is also mentioned at that time. -- John 11:9.

Thus, the word "day" in Genesis 1 is used relative to at least three different applications of time. The word "day" itself applies to any period, or Epoch, as for instance, the "Day of temptation in the wilderness" -- forty years. (Psalms 95:8.) Note again, that we read of the "Day of Christ," evidently referring to the thousand-year Day in which Messiah is to be King over all the Earth. (Isaiah 2:11) In the common affairs of life we use the word "day" similarly, when referring to Caesar's day, Napoleon's day, etc. Thus, many Bible Students accept that each "day" of creation is not 24-hours, but periods of time much longer.

As one after another the encircling fields of gas and minerals approached the Earth they would spread out like a great canopy, but would not be permitted to fall upon the Earth because of the circumambient air, referred to in Scripture as a "firmament", or "expanse".

God made the firmament, or expanse, to appear above the earth's surface, in the second "Day", and separated the waters which were under the firmament, expanse,  from the waters (probably cloud-like vapor) which were above the firmament. -- Genesis 1:7.

According to our theory, the strongly mineralized fields above the Earth, held off by the "firmament" and centrifugal force, greatest at the equator, gradually concentrated at the two poles, where later they broke and then reached the Earth, forming layer after layer of mineralized earth deposited by the water which rushed from both poles toward the equator. -- Genesis 7:11,18.

These fields, or belts, of gas and minerals followed each other as great deluges upon the Earth -- perhaps thousands (millions?) of years apart. The deluge of Noah's day is believed to have been the last, of vapor only, heavier minerals being attracted first to the surface. Hence minerals are generally under several layers of shale and soil.

Nevertheless, the second "day" describes the formation of the "heavens" -- the sky -- spoken of as "beginning" in Genesis 1:1. The sky at that time, however, did not include the sun, the moon, or the stars, nor did it contain any flying birds. Nor was it yet the sky - the above - for mankind, since man had yet been created. It was the start of the creation of the sky of the world of mankind.

"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land of the Earth appear; and it was so. And God called the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters called He seas.,,, And the evening and the morning were the Third Day." -- Genesis 1:9,10,13.

The word "earth" is used with two different applications in this verse. One is in reference the planet itself, and another is in reference to "dry land" that appeared upon the planet. Thus, in the second application here we have the formation "the earth" -- the land -- that is spoken of as "beginning" in verse 1. In this application, it does not speak of the planet earth, but of the dry land as "earth".

It is possible that several of the fields encircling the earth precipitated themselves upon the earth during this third epoch. Thus, many believe that these, according to the Divine intention, so increased the pressure on the crust of the Earth as to cause it to buckle or wrinkle. These depressions became ocean beds, and the upheavals became mountain ranges. Thus was the work of the Third Day accomplished. The waters were gathered into seas and oceans, the dry land was upheaved and began gradually to drain off in preparation for vegetation. This draining must have required a long time. -- Genesis 1:9,10.

Appropriately we next read: "And the Earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit." -- Genesis 1:12

That is to say, vegetation began on the Third, or Carboniferous Day, though it did not reach its perfection until after the light of the Sun penetrated. There are grasses and other vegetation which prosper best in darksome shades. Additionally, there was light being provided from the unstated source that was spoken of in Day One. This light probably was sunlight, although the sun did had not yet appeared in the sky. Regardless, it was on Day Three that vegetation began to grow.

The claim has been made that in Genesis 1:16, the verse says that God created the Sun, Moon, and stars, and fastened (Hebrew: nawthan) them to the firmament. The Hebrew word "Nathan", Strong's #5414, means: "to give, put, set, allow, grant, show, cause, appoint". We cannot find any support for the idea of "fasten". The KJV most often renders this word as: give 1078, put 191, deliver 174, made 107, set 99, up 26, lay 22, grant 21, suffer 18, yield 15, bring 15, cause 13, utter 12, laid 11, send 11, recompense 11, appoint 10, shew 7, miscellaneous 167.

God, by whatever means, did show, allow, bring, are cause these luminaries to be in the sky in as part of the fourth epoch of creation. What prevented these heavenly bodies from being seen from the earth's surface before Day 4 is not directly given in the Bible, but it is a reasonable conclusion that there was something surrounding the earth that did not allow the sun, moon and stars to be seen in the sky.

"And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night." -- Genesis 1:16.

Our conclusion is that the Sun, the Moon and the Stars were created long before, but had never, up to this time, cast their light upon the Earth because of the impenetrable veil which canopied it. The appearance of the Sun and the Moon on the Fourth Day implies that another field, or belt, broke at that time and precipitated its great mass of water and mineral upon the Earth. Great gullies were washed between the mountains.

The atmosphere, heavily charged with carbon, was very favorable to the development of plant life. It is supposed that the Earth still had considerable heat in its crust, that oceans were warm and highly carboniferous, and that the air was surcharged with carbon to the extent that no breathing animal could have existed. But those very conditions were extremely favorable to gigantic growths of vegetation. This vegetation presumably passed into a condition resembling that of the peat-beds of our day. These beds of incipient coal afterward came under great pressure, as one after another the belts of Earth came down in deluges, burying vegetation under slimy deposits. Coalfields are the result.

Nor should we assume that the Sun and the Moon shone on the earth in Day 4 as in the clarity that we now see them. But they were discernible even through heavy banks of fog and carbon-laden atmosphere. The influences of the Sun and the Moon were necessary to prepare for higher forms of plant and animal life, and yet a field or fields around the earth would provide filter that would filter out harmful rays from reaching the surface of the earth.

It has been claimed that the "beginning" in Genesis 1:1 applies to Day 1, with the heavens and earth being created on Day 1. There is definitely nothing in the description of Day One about the planet earth or the stars being created. One has to read such a thought into what is said there. The "beginning" in Genesis 1:1 is a summation of the entire six days, as can be seen from Genesis 2:1,2; Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17. The "heavens", the "sky", as seen from the earth, were, in some way visible on the first day due to the light, but the actual creation of the heavens -- the sky -- began in day 2, and continued. The actual creation of the earth, dry land, came on day three. That this is the intention of the statement, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth", can be seen from Exodus 20:11: "In [during] six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day."  Also Exodus 31:17: "In six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested." Thus the "beginning" in Genesis 1:1 describes the entire six days, not just the first day. Likewise, in Genesis 2:4, all six of these days are described as "the day [singular] that Jehovah God made earth and the heavens."

See also Creation.

Originally published July 7, 2009; this revision was made March 22, 2022.

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