Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The First Watch Tower President

Most people generally say that Charles Taze Russell was the first president and founder of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. As stated, this could be correct. But at the same time this could be misleading, since before the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was formed, the work was done under the name of an unincorporated entity, "Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society." The first president of this entity was William H. Conley, and C. T. Russell served as secretary and treasurer during Conley’s presidency. In 1884, however, the incorporated "Zion's Watch Tower Society" was formed, and, Russell was named as president of this corporation, and it is only concerning the “legal” corporation that one could speak of Russell as the first president. Conley could be correctly referred to as the first Watch Tower president, but he was not the first president of the corporation, Zion's Watch Tower Society, later named, Watch Tower and Bible and Tract Society.

The following is from Wikipedia:
Bethel Home Mission
The Conleys frequently held prayer meetings and events in their home ministry. The Conley home was sometimes kept open for weeks at a time in support of religious and charity efforts. According to Zion’s Watch Tower, annual celebrations of the Memorial of Christ’s death were held at the Conleys’ home. Conley’s home mission was described as Bethel (literally, “house of God”). The first recorded mention of Bethel in association with Conley appeared in 1890, in reference to the missionary house of Miss Lucy Dunne, established by William and Sarah Conley in Jerusalem.
Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society
Conley was the first president of Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society, from 1881 to 1884. In December 1884, the Society was incorporated with Charles Taze Russell as president.
In 1896, the Society was renamed Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and later became associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
While president of the Society, Conley provided assistance for the three-volume series, Theocratic Kingdom by George N. H. Peters; Peters dedicated the work partially to Conley, claiming to be “deeply indebted for sympathy and pecuniary aid in the prosecution and publication of the work.” However, the May 1883 issue of Zion’s Watch Tower criticized Peters’ work, recommending that readers not purchase the title. 
In 1894, Russell introduced a letter from Conley by briefly referencing him as “a member of the early Allegheny Bible Class.” Following Conley’s death in July 1897, Zion’s Watch Tower provided no obituary, nor any statement that specifically mentioned his name and his involvement with the Society.
The above appears to be fairly accurate, except for the reference to Peters’ “Theocratic Kingdom”: the statement that “Zion’s Watch Tower” recommended “that readers not purchase the title” is not accurate, since Russell never recommended that anyone purchase or not purchase Peters' books. He simply gave his assessment and left it up to each individual as far as purchasing the books. He even provided information about the cost of the books.

Many believe that Brother Russell spoke of Brother Conley in the Watch Tower of July 1, 1912, in the article entitled, "Deliverance For the Destruction of the Flesh." This is a thought, a suggestion; we do not know who Russell was referring to by what he said in that article.

One should note, however, the Watch Tower Society during the lifetime of Brother Russell was not the  JWs' "Watchtower organization" of today. What was sometimes referred as "the Society" in Russell's day, is not the same as the "the Society" is today to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Russell did not believe in such an organization and preached against such authoritarianism. "The Society' in Russell's day was not authoritarian and did claim for itself any special authority over fellow believers. "Let it be borne in mind that the Society exercises no authority, makes no criticism, but merely gives advice; and that in the interest of the Lord's Cause and the Lord's people." (The Watch Tower, August 15, 1916, page 248) Russell's WTS virtually ceased to exist shortly after Russell died, as Rutherford deceitfully had new by-laws passed that, in effect, destroyed the WTS that Russell had created.

"First President of the Jehovah's Witnesses"

Some speak of Brother Russell as being the "first president" of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The truth is that Russell was never a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. While some of the Bible Students referred to Brother Russell as their president, Russell himself never claimed to be the "president" of the Bible Students movement. He was president of the legal entity in London, referred to as the "International Bible Students Association." Since it had become the custom for many of the Bible Students to refer to themselves as "International Bible Students," some Bible Students claimed Russell as their president. Regardless, however, Russell was definitely never the president of the organization that Rutherford created after Russell died.

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