Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Did CT Russell Claim That The Christian God is the Devil?

The claim is being made that Russell said that the Christian, or Biblical, God is the devil. This idea appears to have been started by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, in their book: "The Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses". On one site, we find the statement:
Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and a former President of the Society, even referred to the Christian concept of God as, “the devil himself.” The God of the Watchtower is not the biblical God and is therefore not capable of saving people from their sins.
First, Russell was never associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. Russell did not believe in such an authoritarian organization, and preached against the idea that any "outward organization" can legitimately claim to be "the true church." Furthermore, Russell preached against the kind of Armageddon message that is preached by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Russell should certainly not be viewed as the founder of that which he preached against.

Nor did Russell ever refer to the Biblical, Christian, concept of God -- the God and Father of our Lord Jesus (Ephesians 1:3; 1 Peter 1:3) -- as, "the devil himself." One cannot find any such reference anywhere in the works of Russell. Ankerberg and Weldon provide this quote, not from what was written by Russell, but rather from the book, The Finished Mystery, which was not written by Russell. Nevertheless, the quote is taken out of context of what is being said to make it appear that it was saying that the Christian God is the devil himself. We have more related to this in our article: The Christian God Not Jehovah?

Nevertheless, Charles Taze Russell did not believe in adding the concept of a "triune God" to what God has revealed in the Bible. Russell realized that, from Genesis to Revelation, we never find the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob revealed as being a "triune God", nor such a concept ever revealed in the Bible itself.
Jesus is Not Yahweh (Jehovah)
Is Jesus the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

Additionally, Russell realized that the "triune God" concept annuls the fact that through Jesus, the one true God remained just, while justifiing the sinner. (Romans 3:26) If the triune God concept is added to and read into the Bible, not only is it adding to what God has revealed of Himself in the Bible, it would mean that Jesus, being God Almighty in the flesh, rather than condemning sin the flesh (Romans 8:3), actually justified sin the flesh. Why? Because such would prove that no sinless man of flesh could obey God except that he be God in the flesh.
How God’s Son Condemned Sin in the Flesh

The Biblical provision of redemption through Jesus is based on what Paul wrote, that all are condemned in one man; thus only one sinless man would be needed to satisfy God's justice. That one sinless man would pay the wages of sin -- death -- on behalf of Adam and all who are condemned in the one man. -- 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; Romans 5:12-19; 6:23; 1 Timothy 2:5,6.

Basis For Atonement
Did Jesus Have to be Both God and Man?
Did Jesus Neeed to be Uncreated to Pay for the Sin of the World?
Jesus' Sacrifice for Sin
The Price of Redemption – God or Man?

Add to this that man's self-appointed "orthodoxy" claims that Jesus is still a human being in the flesh to this day. If this is true, then Jesus either never completed his sacrifice for sin, or else he took back that sacrifice for sin; either way, the provision of salvation through Jesus would be annulled.

Jesus Died a Human Being – Raised a Spirit Being
Raised in the Spirit
The Man Jesus — Still a Man?
Jesus’ Appearances in the Locked Room

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