Sunday, May 21, 2023

Psalm 118:8 - Trusting Jehovah and Trusting Our Brothers

Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in Jehovah than to trust in man. -- Green's Literal.

We have been asked to comment regarding a youtube video entitled: 2010 Convention Deception Jehovah's Witnesses

We are not with the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the video does show what is in reality a contradiction many times stated by the Jehovah's Witnesses. We know that from the JWs' perspective, putting their trust in "Jehovah's Organization" does not mean the governing body who are actually running the "Jehovah's Witnesses" organization, since they really believe that this alleged "Jehovah's visible organization on earth" is being run by Jehovah Himself through God's spirit; thus, in effect in the way they think, they (subconsciously, if not consciously) equate their organizational leadership with Jehovah and His spirit. Indeed, we have heard many of them speak as though anything said in the Watchtower as having come from Jehovah himself. We believe this is delusional, and blinds them to the effect that a self-proclaimed go-between is actually taking the place of Jesus as the only way to God. - John 14:6.

Furthermore, the proclamation that one has to come to their organization for salvation, in effect, places the leaders of the organization as a mediator needed beyond Jesus. -- Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5,6.

Additionally, while we believe we are to have relative trust in our Christian brothers (regardless of any sectarian affiliation), such trust does not mean that we have to believe that all the opinions of our Christian brothers regarding the Bible are to be accepted without question, as the JWs accept of their "governing body" "brothers". We certainly cannot trust our salvation to any men, nor to any self-proclaimed "Jehovah's visible organization", but rather to God through Jesus.

Nevertheless, the Jehovah's Witnesses are not the only Christians who put their trust in man rather than Jehovah. Many will claim to they don't put their trust in men while at the same devoting their lives to the dogma of men, which has been craftily presented as though it is Biblical doctrine. A sectarian spirit prevails among most churches that would place the handed-down doctrines of men as contained in man's creeds and traditions as being the same as what God has said, although most who do so appear to be totally oblivious to the fact that they are putting their trust in men rather in God. The emotional attachments to such doctrines and traditions bring a high level of discomfort when such doctrines are challenged as not being in the Bible. 

We should remember that all things are in God's hands; he will eventually rectify the hearts of all to the point that they will be able to understand and know the truth. Perhaps we all need such rectification at times, as it is very easy to think we are following Christ when we are actually following some man or group of men who claim to have special authority to speak and act on behalf of God and Christ in such a way that they would demand all must accept what they say as being from God. 

Let our goal be to trust the Heavenly Father at all times in all ways. -- Psalm 62:8,9; 112:7; Proverbs 29:29; Jeremiah 17:5-7; Micah 7:5-7; 1 Timothy 4:10.


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