Monday, July 10, 2023

Daniel 12:1,2 - Everlasting Contempt

{Daniel 12:1} "At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who shall be found written in the book.
{Daniel 12:2} The many -- those who sleep in the dust of the earth -- shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame (disgrace, NAS) and everlasting contempt [aversion, abhorrence].

Many point to Daniel 12:2 and claim that those who are spoken of as receiving shame and everlasting contempt is referring to eternal conscious suffering in hell. Some claim that these will be raised and simply resentenced to go back to hell for eternity.

There is actually no mention of sheol here, nor is there any mention of any one consciously suffering for all eternity.

Regarding the Hebrew word translated as "shame":
Strong's #2781
Transliteration: cherpah
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition:
1) reproach, scorn
   1a) taunt, scorn (upon enemy)
   1b) reproach (resting upon condition of shame, disgrace)
   1c) a reproach (an object)
The word translated as "contempt" (Strong's Hebrews #1860) means "aversion, abhorrence."

This is obviously speaking of events that take place during Christ's millennial reign, his second advent. Christ, at his return, not only begins the harvest of the church, but he also begins to return favor to Daniel's people, the children of Israel. Additionally, Christ's return leads to the time of trouble which ends with the abyssing of the devil as spoken of in Revelation 20, after which the justified are delivered -- saved -- out of death, corresponding to the resurrection of the just, the first resurrection. 

Had Jesus not died to save us from the condemnation in Adam, there would be no resurrection of anyone. (Romans 5:12-10; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; 1 Timothy 2:5,6; Hebrews 2:9) Due to Jesus' sacrifice, there is to be a resurrection of those who are justified in the present age as well as those who are justified in this age. (Acts 24:15) The justified of this age are raised first, and the unjustified are raised later. This has to be since the saints will reign with Jesus and will participate in the judging of the world. -- ****

The final judgment of the world takes place during the day of judgment, as those of unbelieving world are judged by things that are written in the books that are opened to them in the last day.  Thus, the unjustified of this age will have the opportunity in the age to become obedient to the Good News so as to receive eternal life in that age. Only those justified in this age have their names written in the book spoken of; the book of life in this age is not actually opened to the unjustified of this age. Nevertheless, even those written in the book of life are to come before the judgment seat of Christ in the last day for their final judgment for what they do in the present body. -- Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Daniel 12:1 speaks of the deliverance of the justified in this age; Daniel 12:2 does not include the justified in this age at all. After the justified of this age are delivered, then the many -- the unjustified who sleep in the dust of the earth -- are raised from death and hades to be judged, which results in two outcomes, some to everlasting life and others to everlasting contempt. This corresponds with the judgment spoken of in Psalm 96:10-13; 98:4-9; Isaiah 2:2-4; 26:9,10; Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15.

See our studies related to The Day of Judgment/

The claim by some, however, is that those who receive eternal contempt have to be conscious in order to receive such contempt for eternity. The fact that those who come into everlasting contempt/abhorrence are not included with those who receive everlasting life actually shows that they will not be alive forever so as to be consciously suffering for eternity. Many, probably most, abhor Adolf Hitler, although Hitler is dead. While we do not believe that Hitler is conscious somewhere, even if he is, he would not be aware of how he is being abhorred.

The Bible uses the Hebrew word translated as contempt in Daniel 12:2 in only one other scripture; that is Isaiah 66:24. Oddly, this scripture also is many times cited as proof that the wicked are to consciously suffer for eternity, although the scripture says nothing about such. It speaks of the dead bodies (not souls or spirits being conscious). It is obvious, however, that in Isaiah 66:24 it is used in reference to those living having contempt for those wicked who are dead, and whose bodies are seen figuratively in the valley of Hinnom. See our study: "Hope of Life After Death"

Indeed, there is nothing in Daniel 12 about any people consciously suffering for eternity. There is no reason to imagine and assume that those who suffer the eternal punishment in the final judgment have to be alive in order for them to be viewed with contempt forever.

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