Saturday, July 20, 2024

* Sources For Russell's Imagery Requested

By Ronald R. Day, Sr.

One presented us with several requests in the comments related to a video on Youtube entitled: "Occult Theocrasy - Charles Taze Russell A Freemason." We were not permitted to respond there, so we are presenting our responses here:

Cross and Crown Symbol

"Give us the source from which Russel took the Cross and Crown (facts and few words please)"

Our response:

We do not have information as to exactly "where" Brother Russell obtained artwork for his imagery, if this is what is being requested. To us, that is not as important as is why he used the imagery. For instance, we can give you one of his statements (there are more) related to the cross and crown imagery:

"The cross represents our faith in the death of Christ and our desire to walk in His steps; the crown represents the reward of glory, honor and immortality; and the wreath around the cross and crown represents the Restitution blessings coming to the world of mankind." -- Harvest Gleanings, Volume 3,, page 721.

All Seeing Eye Symbol

"Give us the source from which Russel took the all seeing eye He used on fotodrama of creation (facts and few words)"

Our response:

In his sermon,  "Divine Omniscience and Almighty Power," Brother Russell presented Psalm 139:7,9 and Psalm 34:15 (from the King James Version).

In his sermon, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?", Brother Russell stated:

The All-Seeing eye of our Creator keeps watch over the affairs of His creatures today as it kept watch over Abel's interests. God allowed Cain to have his way; allowed him to kill his brother; allowed the righteous to suffer; yet Cain did not escape, but was held accountable for the death of his brother. God's sentence upon him separated him from his brethren until he cried out that his punishment was greater than he could bear. And, similarly, we may be sure that the Cain class of our day will be held accountable for the willful slaying of their brother, especially to the extent that the brother despised may be a child of God. As God declared that the blood of Abel cried to Him from the ground cried for justice so the intimation of the Scriptures is that all injustice of every kind, everywhere, will bring a "just recompense of reward."

Sun of Righteousness Symbol


"Give us the source from which Russel took the Egipcian (sic) Sundisk (from the bible it is not because it has 2 snake heads on it and Russel did not use a new symbol but an existent one)"


The "Sun of Righteousness" imagery that Russell used did not have 2 snake heads on it, although many claim to "see" such in the curved handles of the upside-down arrows pointing to the sun circle. We have not, however, seen this exact form used by the Egyptians, or anyone else. We do not know that Russell had the artwork especially done, but as yet, we have not found the exact artwork used by anyone else, except those who are duplicating the artwork from Russell's books.

The second sentence of Russell's book, The Divine Plan of the Ages, shows what this imagery meant to Russell:
The period in which sin is permitted has been a dark night to humanity, never to be forgotten; but the glorious day of righteousness and divine favor, to be ushered in by Messiah, who, as the Sun of Righteousness, shall arise and shine fully and clearly into and upon all, bringing healing and blessing, will more than counterbalance the dreadful night of weeping, sighing, pain, sickness and death, in which the groaning creation has been so long. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the MORNING." Psa. 30:5
While Russell did not at this point give the scripture for "Sun of Righteousness", the term is indeed found in the Bible at Malachi 4:2. Even Fritz Springmeier realized this, but he claimed that Malachi had been influenced by the pagans. If this is true, it would mean that Malachi was a false prophet and also that Jesus was a false prophet; indeed, it would mean that the entire New Testament is false.

The Use of the Holy Name as Jehovah


"Give us the source from Jehovah use by Russel (use Russel words to explain the use of form Jehovah not third party)"

Russell was never adamant about using the form "Jehovah", nor are we. We do know that the Bible never claims that God's Holy Name or any other Biblical name has to be pronounced as it was originally pronounced in ancient Hebrew. While many put forth many ideas about how it was originally pronounced, all such ideas have to be based on various assumptions. No one on earth today knows for a certainty how the Tetragrammaton of God's Holy Name was originally pronounced, nor is it important to know. Russell, however, never did much in-depth study on the Holy Name, nor did he put forth a serious effort to restore the Holy Name to the Bible. We do not know of any direct quote we could give that would be related to the question.

Russell did, at times but no always, make use of translations that presented God's Holy Name as "Jehovah." There is no reason to think that his use of such translations has anything to do with the Freemasons.  Indeed, it would appear that he obtained this form "Jehovah" from its usage by many Christian scholars who had come before him.

Nevertheless, one should realize that Russell never made any issue over how one should pronounce the Holy Name, nor do we. For instance, when he presented an article written by Rev. John Urquhart, Scotland, the author used "Yahweh", not "Jehovah", but Russell gave no objection.

On another occasion, he presented a discourse by Dr. J. H. Thomas, in which Thomas used the form "Yahweh".

Russell's Mason Friends

The comment was made:

Keep in mind Russel clearly stated he had many mason friends and that He appreciated their precious truths.

Our response:

Actually, what he stated was, "In fact, some of my very dear friends are Masons, and I can appreciate that there are certain very precious truths that are held in part by our Masonic friends." ("Temple of God" sermon)

He could have said the same about his Methodist friends, his Baptist friends, his Presbyterian friends, etc. Indeed, in effect, he did say such in the same sermon:

"As Christian people, Bible Students from all denominations, it would seem that we have something in our faith that is in sympathy and harmony with each denomination, the world over. Do our Presbyterian friends speak of the election? We more. Do our Methodist friends have the doctrine of free grace? We more. Do our Baptist friends understand the importance of baptism, to some extent? We more. Do our friends of the Christian denomination, and our Congregational friends, appreciate the great privileges of individuality in church government? We more."

And then continues with the Masons:

"Do our Masonic friends understand something about the Temple, and being Knights Templars, and so on? We more."

After that he continues:

"Do our Roman Catholic and Church of England friends believe in a Universal church? We more. In other words, it would seem as though the message of God's Word has been more or less subdivided, and each denomination has taken hold of a piece of the truth, and around that bit of truth has gathered a good deal that we think is erroneous."

As many have pointed out, however, Russell seemed confused concerning several things regarding the Masons. Russell did make use of the Knights Templar as being a higher order of Mason to use for Biblical illustrations, but he evidently assumed that all Masons professed to be Christian, and thus it appears that he thought of the Masons similar to a Christian denomination. 

The truth he saw in his conversation with the Masons was basically that of the usage of the temple as designating the building of character. Russell, however, often used the word "friends" very loosely, as can be seen even in his sermon, "The Temple of God", for he spoke of "Presbyterian friends," "Methodist friends," "Baptist friends," "Congregational friends," and "Roman Catholic and Church of England friends."

The Masonic Handgrips

Another comment was made:
"Russel also told He was learning the handgrips"

Before we present a quote from Russell concerning this, we believe it would be beneficial that one understand what Russell meant in the context by referring to "this order", Russell was not referring to either the Bible Students association nor was he referring to the Masons. The "order" he was referring to was the church, which he believed was not limited to any denomination, sect, movement, association, etc. With this in mind, we present what Russell stated:

"Many Masons shake hands with me and give me what I know is their grip; they don't know me from a Mason. Something I do seems to be the same as Masons do, I don't know what it is; but they often give me all kinds of grips and I give them back, then I tell them I don't know anything about it except just a few grips that have come to me naturally."

We do not know of any place, however, that Russell ever stated that he had a goal of learning Masonic "grips". He did state that he was, in effect, learning some of them by imitation, but without knowledge of their meaning. But to focus on the grips as such fails to realize the point that Russell was making in the context, and that was that we do not always know who truly is a member of the church, for there are many false Christians who associate with the true Christians, and such false Christians may learn to imitate a true Christian, just as he learned to imitate the grips of the Masons, although he was not a Mason.

Adding terms for searches: Masonic grips, Masonic handshake

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