Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I Am a Free and Accepted Mason

Brother Russell once stated, "I am a free and accepted mason." This quote is often quoted out of context to allegedly "prove" that Russell was a member of man's Free Masons Society. The quote is from his sermon entitled "The Temple of God", delivered in California in 1913. This entire sermon is online at: 
Yes, Russell said: "I am a free and accepted Mason." Was he saying that he was a member of the Free Masons Society? Absolutely not! The context shows that he was referring to "Bible masonry", not the human organization that goes by the name of 'Free Masons". He was using Free Masonry terminology to illustrate the Biblical building being done by God through His church. -- See: Luke 6:47,48; Romans 14:19; 1 Corinthians 3:9,10,12; 14:12,26; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 4:7-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Revelation 3:12.

In that same sermon, Russell, in referring to the human organization called "Masons," said, "I have never been a Mason."

According to one site, Russell's sermon contains "Russell’s duplicitous confession that he is part of the cult of Masonry." It is further claimed that "Masons always use duplicitous contradictory verbiage to conceal and reveal publicly their allegiance, by never being clear about what they really believe and adhere to in contradictory statements." This unsubstantiated claim presented as though fact is then regarded as the reason Russell later stated, "I have never been a Mason." It is claimed that Russell drew parallels between Masonry and the Bible with the hopes of "drawing more men into asking how to become a Mason." This ignores that in this sermon, as well as elsewhere, Russell discouraged Christian participation in any of men's secret societies. I will add that Russell apparently believed that all Masons professed to be Christian, and and thus he treated them similar to Christians in various denominations. At any rate, since the Knights Templar do believe in the basics of "orthodox" Christianity, in refuting the false teachings of the so-called orthodox human leaders, Russell did, in effect, refute also the teachings of the Knight Templar. We will add that Russell could not have been member of the Knights Templar, for such would involved acceptance of the trinitarian creeds,

The author appears to connect Russell with the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses regarding salvation, although, in reality, Russell was never a member of the JW organization, and what Russell taught about salvation was almost the very opposite of what the JW organization teaches.

CLICK HERE to read the entire sermon, "The Temple of God."

Ronald R. Day, Restoration Light Bible Study Services (AKA: ResLight, RlBible)

Originally published May 28, 2010; Edited and Republished August 5, 2015; Edited and links updated: 10/14/2019

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